The Fall

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Feral: ...

Homelander: Hey is that you Feral? Big fan.

Feral: .... Yeah

Homelander: ....

Feral: What's wrong? Scared?

Homelander: Yeah who wouldn't be anyways You look nice.

Feral: Likewise still fcking everything up Huh?

Homelander: Well I try to get by

Feral: I'm just joking hahahaha!

Homelander: Hahaha damn you are so funny and great Feral..

Feral: You sound like a kid.. lol

Homelander: What else can I say okay idk uhhh..

Feral: "Smirk" Best supe huh..

Homelander: God I like you..

Feral: ..?

Homelander: No I mean I..

Feral: Wake up John..

Homelander: Huh?

Feral: You are falling off the building bro..

Homelander: HUH?! WHAT BUT I CAN FLY

Feral: Then why aren't you flying?

Homelander: Uh?!


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