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Sounds Good Feels Good
5 Seconds of Summer.

Specific song:

San Fransisco
5 Seconds of Summer

- H -

My alarm startled me as it went off. It didn't wake me up as I hadn't slept a wink all night. Actually I hadn't slept a wink for the past few nights. No one cared though, no one ever did, I won't let anyone care.

Why should anyone else care about me when I don't even care about me.

"HARRY! GET UP! GET READY FOR SCHOOL!" My sister Gemma called through the door. Those, and 'Goodbye' as I leave for school, are the only words she ever says to me anymore.

The passing of my mum ripped my family apart, well the remains of it.

My dad couldn't keep his dick in his pants and had an affair with some bitchy bimbo and ran away with her. That caused my mum to get depressed and drink. One day I came home from school, I was 10 at the time, Gemma was 16, and she was passed out on the floor. It had never happened before so I called Gemma and she told me to call an ambulance but the paramedics told me she was already dead.

That was the worst day of my life.

I get haunted with the memories.

The anxiety of starting my exam year was getting to me. Today was the 3rd of September, my first day back. My anxiety was high today as I hadn't faced any of my bully's since July.

I was dreading seeing their laughing faces.

They had bullied him since the school had first found out about his mum. To this day I'm still not sure how they found out but they still bully me for it.

I eventually got out of bed, threw on my school uniform then ruffled my curls before grabbing my bag.

I hopped down the stairs to the kitchen to see if Gemma had done the shopping and once again she hadn't.

Guess I'll be stealing food today then.

We often couldn't afford to buy things like food as Gem was the only one who had a job and working at a nail salon didn't exactly pay masses.

As I walked to school I went into the local corner shop and when no one was looking I grabbed one of the sandwiches from the fridges and stuffed it in my bag.

Today really wasn't my day though.

"OI! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING!?" Shouted an old muscular man, even his curly moustache was intimidating.

I looked around helplessly, not knowing what to do but then he grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and dragged me to the counter and started to tell the woman what he saw me do.

Just when she was about to call the police some voice shouted out. "Wait. He's with me, let me pay for it."

All three of us turned around to see a man, who must have just left uni or something, quickly walking towards us. His hair was quiffed and he wore a blazer with jeans and a shirt.

"Who are you? Your not old enough to be his father." The man holding me asked.

"I'm his, uh, brother! Now let go of him!" It was quite clear that we weren't brothers but the man let go of me and the mysterious man payed for my sandwich before leading me out of the shop.

"Why did you do that? I'm thankful but why?" I asked.

"Looked like you were going to get in trouble. I'm Louis by the way." He stuck out his hand to shake but I ignored it.

"I'm Harry. Thanks but I have to get to school now or I will definitely be in trouble." I gave him a slight smile and he did the same before I walked off.

As I walked through the school gates I saw a few people I knew and started to talk to them. We mostly chatted about our holidays and what we all did.

They had all gone to some foreign country where as me and Gem stayed home and did nothing.

I was glad when the bell rung as I was honestly getting quite jealous and they weren't showing by signs of stopping.

"Guys I'm going to class." I then started to walk off and as I predicted they didn't notice I had gone.

I slowly trudged up to my first class, performing arts, lacking enthusiasm as normal. I had chosen it to be one of my options but I didn't think it would be this much work. I loved acting and singing and performing in general. My old teacher always put me down and told me that I was useless though so that made me not enjoy it.

She left at the end of last year though so I might get on a bit better with this teacher.

I walked into the black drama studio, late, and the new teacher was already stood at the front of the room addressing the class. I glanced over to the teacher, to apologise for being late, when I saw the man who had saved my ass less than an hour ago!

"Louis?" I asked.

"It's Mr Tomlinson when in here and your late. Please take a seat." He was in teacher mode now. I though he was quite friendly and kind but now that's all out the window.

Teachers are always mean to people like me. I'm always late, I can't spell for shit and I mess up all the time. He will be just like the rest.

I took a seat in the back row and dumped my bag under the desk. "As I was saying, I'm Your new teacher Mr Tomlinson. I specialise in music, I used to be part of a band, I will teach you as little dance as possible as I have two left feet! Any more questions?"

"Are you going to be a bitch like our old teacher?" I muttered to myself not expecting Mr Tomlinson to hear. The class sniggered and Mr Tomlinson sighed.

"Well I hope not but if you bad language in my class again I might have to."


What sort of things would you like to see happen in this book? Leave me suggestions and I might write them & dedicated the chapter to you!


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