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- L -

After lots of kissing and not much changing, we were ready. Harry really was a tease and so now it was my chance to beat his ass.

At football that is.

We went out to the far end of the garden, past the line of trees to where I had set up goals when I was about 12.

"I saved up for months for these goals. I was younger than you. I saved up all my pocket money and when I finally got to Sports Direct and bought them I was so happy with myself." Harry looked at me fondly.

"Your so adorable, you know that?" He then said. I just wrapped my arm around his neck and pulled him in for a side hug.

We decided to do a bit of penalty practice but after a couple of minutes of Harry trying to kick the ball in a straight line I decided it just wasn't happening. I could stand at the other end of the garden, far, far, away from the goal and it still wouldn't go in.

"Okay, stop. This is painful." I laughed.

Harry just blushed and lowered his head to face his feet. "I'm crap at football Lou." He mumbled once I was virtually next to him.

"It's okay, I'll show you." He moved away from the ball to watch me.

"So first you need a bit of a run up," I took a couple of steps backwards.

"Then you run up and kick it. Kick with the side of your foot, not the toe an make sure the side of your foot faces the goal." I then demonstrated and it went straight into the goal.

"You try." I said as I grabbed and rolled the ball back to him.

He tried and it actually worked!! He booted it perfectly into the centre of the goal!

"Well done Harry!!" After that we continued to kick the ball around and shoot goals.

- Lottie -

As normal, I was sat on my window ledge seat on the phone to Courtney. I liked to sit there as I could look look over the garden and see all the birds and beautiful flowers that our gardener planted. My eyes wandered to the tree-line three quarters of the way down the garden, we used to call it Louis' garden but now it was for all the boys.

I thought back to the many times Louis would kick footballs at us and play 'army' with his friends around Fizzy mum, the twins and I. The twins were only little at that point so mum ended up giving the gardener a bit of extra money to create an area for Louis at the end of the garden, Louis had to buy the football goals himself though.

Harry and Louis were playing footie together, which was cute, but then I started to notice the body language they used towards each other. Louis was playing with Harry's hair whenever he got close to him and Harry's hands were on Louis as much as the could be, on his arms, round his waist.

"LOTTIE, are you even listening!?" Courtney groaned, she was once again moaning about how her boyfriend was too controlling.

"Sorry, I'll call you back." I was more interested in what was gaining on between my brother and Harry.

"Don't you da-" I hung up before she could finish.

I chucked my phone onto my bed then looked out to the garden. Harry was now on the floor looking worn out and Louis was leaning over him. They looked like they were laughi-

"Lottie! Dinners ready! " Ugh.. I jogged down the stairs and into the open plan kitchen diner where mum was just playing up, both sets of twins were at the table and Dan was at a work dinner, so he wasn't home.

"Go get your brother and Harry for me? They're in Louis' garden." I did as my mum asked. I slipped on some garden shoes then went out to where Louis and Harry were playing.

I could see them laying on the floor, they were deep in some sort of conversation, I didn't want to interrupt as they both seemed so focused, but I had to.

"Uhm, boys?" I made my presence known and they both looked up at me. I was a good few foot away so, unfortunately, I didn't hear any of their conversation. "Dinners ready."

After dinner was finished both sets of twins and fizzy got down from the table to do homework and play and such but the rest of us sat at the table and continued to chat. That was one thing I never took for granted in my family, we all loved to chat and we all got along so well. We also had a very similar sense of humour so when we were all together like this we were always laughing.

Once again the conversation swung round to Louis and his love life. It always happens since he hadn't dated anyone since that girl a couple of months ago. I don't know why he even dated her. It's been clear since he was little that he was gay.

"So anyone on the scene? Boy or girl?" Dan asked.

I looked across the table at Louis and Harry. Harry was looking down at his lap and fiddling with his hand and Louis was pretty much the same.

"Um, no, not really." He said after a sigh.

"Excuse me." Harry mumbled and left the table.

Everyone's eyes followed him questionably, "Lottie, go check he's okay please."

I sighed once again being sent off.

I went up to where I guessed Harry would be and I was right. The attic.

I clambered up to the converted attic to find Harry sat with his legs pulled into his body on the rocking chair down the far end staring out the window. The sun was setting over the hills creating an orange glow in the attic.

"You okay?" I asked.

He stayed quite for a bit so I took a few steps closer to him until I could put my arm on his shoulder. "I guess."

"Would you tell me what's up?" I asked and Harry looked up at me.

"I can't. You'll tell people and I'll ruin it. Your mum will kick me out." He darted his eyes to look back out the window again.

"Harry I will never tell a sole if you don't want me to. I will also make sure my mum never kicks you out, I swear on my life."

He took a deep breath. "I-"


Oops.. Hi, I'm sorry this has been such a log wait.. I'm also sorry it's such a shitty chapter.

I really need more hours in the day so I can write!!


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