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- H -

I woke up the next morning to the sun coming through the floor to ceiling length window. Louis was curled around me in a spooning position and his hands were holding mine cuddled up close to my chest just like they were when we went to sleep the night before.

I began to yawn and that must have woken Louis as I felt him wriggle behind me then stretch. "Good morning sunshine." He whispered in my ear which made shivers run up my spine.

"Morning Boo." I replied re-closing my eyes because the room was extremely bright and put strain on my tired eyes.

"I'm hungry." I state hoping it will make my perfect boyfriend get off his arse and bring me breakfast in bed.

Louis simply grunted and nuzzled his nose into the curls at the bottom of my neck.

"Lou, that's your queue to be a good boyfriend and make me breakfast in bed." I told him.

"Do I have to? Why don't you make me breakfast in bed?" He sighed and placed a few chased kisses on my shoulder.

"Because it's my birthday weekend." I smirked and wriggled out of Louis' grip so I could turn around and face him.

"If your going to use that excuse all weekend it will get very boring, very quickly." He deadpanned but I placed a kiss on his nose which left a smile on his face.

"Fine. Let's just get Lottie to bring us something." I grabbed my phone from behind me and texted her to bring us something.

We ended up making a deal that we would make tomorrow's breakfast if they made today's. After a while we got perfectly crispy bacon sandwiches brought to us with lots of tomato ketchup.

- L -

Me and Harry decided that after breakfast we would go for a bike ride so we quickly got changed, not making out in our underwear, nope, not at all, and left the tree house.

We walked up to the club house, which only took about 10 minutes, and we collected our bikes that mum and Dan booked for us. Harry tried to persuade me to get a bike with a cart attached to the back to I could pull him around like the queen he thinking he is but I disagreed and made him get a normal bike.

When riding around the beautiful, sunny forest I admired the perfect scenery. From the trees to the blue sky to the gorgeous young boy in front of me. I couldn't help the smile that stuck to my face like a nail in a wall.

We ended up getting a simple sandwich lunch from the on site shop for lunch, which we ate on one of the many patches of green grass.

After that we got back onto the bikes and made our way to the spa. Once we got there we found Lottie and Tommy talking on one of the stone benches inside the spa reception. When they noticed we had arrived they got up and walked over to us.

We all said out hellos then walked up to the reception desk where we handed over the pieces of paper that proved we had massages booked in.

"Okay so the massages are done in pairs so do you two want to go in together" she motioned to Lottie and Tommy, "and then you two together?" She then motioned to Harry and I.

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