Chapter 17: More Than Just a Dress

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At the end of their first week back at Hexside, Gus, Willow, and Amity convince their dads to let them stay the weekend at the Owl House. The excitement in the house when they arrive with their overnight bags in tow is unrestrained and gleeful. Camila and Eda work together to make dinner while Lilith, Steve, and Hooty are a captive audience for the stories from school.

The living room turns into a picnic for dinner, with games, laughter, and more teenage energy than the four adults have any hope of keeping up with. The kids are sent off to the shared bedroom so Camila can set up her bed on the couch after everything is tidied up for the evening. She smiles as she hears another peal of giggles come from the five friends. She wishes Vee were here to laugh with them and hopes her other teen is safe in the human realm.

She checks on them a few hours later after they've quieted down and the house seems still. Luz, Gus, and Amity play cards on the bed while Hunter and Willow share the blanket nest. She has dozed off tucked under his arm, lightly snoring, while he leans against the wall.

"Does anyone need anything?" she whispers.

"Nah, we're good," Gus answers, "But thanks for checking."

"I'm going to turn out the lights and go to sleep now," Camila replies, "So I'd appreciate it if you'd keep the noise down when you leave the room."

"We will, Mom," Luz says.

"Come get me if you need me, though."

"Thanks, Camila," Amity says, "We will."

"And don't stay up too late. You don't want to be too tired to have fun in the morning."

"Mom, go to sleep – you don't want to be too tired, either," Luz says.

Camila quietly laughs, "Alright, alright, I'll go. Goodnight, kids. I'll see you in the morning."

After the teens say their goodnights, they wrap up the card game on the bed and abandon it in favour of the blanket nest. Gus settles in next to Hunter with Amity and Luz on the other side.

" sure you want to fall asleep propped up with Willow against you? I feel like you're going to have one heck of a crick in your neck tomorrow if you do."

Hunter shrugs, "Yeah, maybe. But I don't want to move her. She's peaceful."

"Well let me know if you want me to help move her so you're more comfy. Wouldn't be the first time I've used a little magic to move a sleeping friend."

Hunter nods and carefully shifts a little to keep his arm from falling asleep. Gus finds a book and reads as Luz starts snoring and Amity hums in her sleep.

Once Luz and Amity are clearly going to stay asleep, Hunter turns to Gus, "So can I ask you something?"

"Sure, shoot."

"Does it bother you how close Willow and I are? I mean, you two have been friends forever and I don't want to feel like I'm in the way of that."

Gus shakes his head, "Nah, not at all. Willow's happy, you're happy, and that's really important. I like seeing my friends enjoying their lives."

"But what about you?" Hunter asks.

"What about me? I'm fine. I'm watching two of my friends fall in love, how could that not be a special thing to get to see?"

Hunter blushes, "I don't know if I'd say that we're to that point yet...."

Gus shrugs, "Eh, whatever you want to call it, it's kinda amazing. I got to see it with Luz and Amity, I'm getting to see it for you and Willow. I mean, isn't it cool I get to watch this happen twice?"

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