A full heart

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Judai's tattoo has had half of a tattoo for as long has he can remember. Always feeling half of himself. Most of his friends, only in college, have gotten married. Finding your soulmate is a event sometimes people wait their whole lives for. Some never find them because of many different circumstances. So when you find your soulmate, you don't want to let them go.

Judai has always thought that he would get a romantic soulmate. He's never been in a relationship, oblivious to his suitors. He thinks that maybe it's a sign that he will only be in love once in his life. A platonic soulmate doesn't seem realistic, as much as he wants one.

College, a big opportunity. Maybe Judai would finally get a best friend. Someone who wouldn't just come to him when they needed him. Someone he could count on.

He stands in front of his dorm room. He knocks and there isn't an answer. I don't have roommate. I thought I did, he thought. He grabs the information sheet out of his pocket. Instead of anything about college, it's an ad about a food truck. "I should have that for breakfast tomorrow," His mouth waters at the thought. Then it sinks in that he forgot the thing that said about his roommate. I must have forgot it. His rush to get to his college was most likely why.

He decides to open the door anyway.

Some dust from the door falls on him. He sneezes. Judai's bags are almost overflowing. He throws them of the single bed. The loud noise causes a person in the hallway to do a loud shoosh. The quietness certainly made it louder then intended. He closes the door, the door handle nearly breaking. He falls onto the bed. His arms are aching. The ceiling is painted a light brown colour. Though he can't tell in the darkness.

He lays there for minutes, hours? When did he stop looking forward to things? His memory of his early childhood is hazy but he feels like he was happier. Maybe.

Judai unpacks his things and once he settles in he decides to explore. He doesn't want a repeat of his first day of high school. The college is close to his parent's house, so he knows the outside. He decides that after he explores he should head to the head office. The sounds of chatting of other people fill his ears as he walks. Talking to people wasn't as easy as it used to be.

His extraverted self was initially, not an act. He was happy to help his friends. Although, who helped him? No one really notice the cracks in façade. His happy and talkative nature faded away after a while.

He decides to take a shortcut. Wow! Can't believe there's such a convenient path!
He follows the path and he's confused. His map, the only thing that he remembered to bring that could help, didn't have this area on it.

"Hey, are you lost?"

He gets a weird feeling, an unfamiliar feeling, and turns around. He sees a boy with blue slightly spiky hair about his height.

"I am. This is my first day. Thought a shortcut would be easier but I guess it backfired!" He does a small laugh. He regrets doing straight away.

"This is actually a secret spot I found a few months ago. It's really relaxing. This is my second year here. Would you like me to show you around?"

The sunlight makes the unfamiliar boy's green eyes shine.

Judai replies, "Yeah, sure,"

The boy grins and Judai grins back, "My names Johan Anderson, what's yours?"

He puts his hand out, to shake Judai hand. He's surprised at this but quickly smiles,

"Judai. Judai Yuki,"

Judai shakes Johan's hand. Judai looks at him, the unfamiliar feeling returns. It's not a good or bad feeling just a feeling of familiarity. He somehow feels like they're going to get along.

"So, you like duel monsters?" Judai grabs some cards out of his pocket.

"Yeah, I love it!"

His deck, the one thing that he keeps with him. The only thing that's always around, always there. They both starts setting up, shuffling decks. They duel, each one more fun than the last. An equal number of wins between each of them as well as a few draws. At first, Judai is a bit nervous. He's not bad at duelling, it's just that he hasn't played in a while. Unless you count playing against yourself. A few duels in however, he lets go of his nervousness. There's something about Johan that make him feel welcome. Only a few hours of knowing him and they are already best friends. Their mutual interest in Duel Monsters was the main thing that bonded them. However, they had so many other things in common. Their personalities just fitted and Judai knew they would become best friends.

Then it hit him. He had watched on tv people describing what it was like meeting their soulmates. He knew most of the things that went through people's minds. He was exposed to it all throughout his life. His friends would always tell him all the details. 'The best day of their lives, just perfect' they would always say. Platonic soulmates or romantic soulmates, it was apparently 'perfect'.

This day was, to him amazing and he did feel a connection to Johan. But did that mean anything? He always thought that he would never met his soulmate, sometimes that he didn't even have one. Maybe, he would finally get a true friend. Someone he could always count on, someone who was always there. As well as him always being their for them.

He convinced himself eventually that, no he hadn't met his soulmate. It was too good to be true.

"I had so much fun today, Judai! But I got to get to my dorm. Bye!"

Smiling, he collected his cards and went back up the trail.

Judai shouted, still sitting down. Johan turned back and waved.

Judai's tattoo was on his right shoulder. It was half a heart. A fairly common tattoo. Although ever tattoo was different there was a a lot that were extremely similar. He only saw it when he took his shirt off and looked in the mirror. In movies, the discovery of the second half of a soulmate tattoo happened a huge amount when the person takes a shower. Judai was about to take a shower.

He had a huge amount of doubt. Although he couldn't not say he wasn't excited. He's not my soulmate, he's not my soulmate, he's not my soulmate! He sat on stared in the mirror. Admittedly Judai was scared. What if Johan was his soulmate? What if he would eventually push him away? Even worse what if he doesn't have a soulmate? Would he be alone forever?
He scrunches up the bottom of his shirt, hands trembling.

He takes off his shirt and...

A complete heart.

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