Prolouge: Twilight

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Y/n pov:

Another in the leaf village day and to be honest I don't know what to do anymore for my father have been weird lately and I'm scared what he is doing behind my back

Speaking of my dad ....

"Lady y/n, your dad has requested your presence" a Hyuuga ninja appeared behind you

"I'll be there in a minute" I said and he vanished

You take one last look at the meadow falls that you and him found together after practicing taijutsu

You were 11 and he was 13

You shook your head and teleported to hiashi office and when I appeared I immediately knelt on one knee showing respect

"Father, you called?" You looked up at him facing his back and when he turned around I saw the serious look that he had

"Y/n understand that this is important to our clan and that you are in danger" I look at him confused "what is it? Father?"

"Do understand that this situation of ours are still working on the safety of yours and this family" you looked at him confused

"I want you to live with your uncle's house in forks to insure the protection of this clan and village" you did not reply knowing that your father is right you do need a break

And now here I am in my room packing my things I look towards my bedside table and see a photo I grabbed it and smiled

"Oh how nice it is, when this first happened"


Y/n pov:

"Okay! Okay! You win!" I huffed looking over my back and up at the person

He looked down at me and smiled lifting up his foot that is placed on my back and help me up to stand

"Sorry about that y/n" he started quietly laughing "not funny itachi" my eyebrow twitch in annoyance

I looked up and noticed the orange sky "we should head back home itachi-kun" I grabbed my back and heard a click sound and a flash going off

"Itachi-!" He held a camera "my mom gave me a camera she said 'for memories' and I'm glad she did" he said to me with a soft smile

"Well then! Let's take a photo together a memory for the future"I said to him

He placed the camera down on a tree trunk and started to do shadow clone jutsu

1 more itachi appeared and got behind the camera is placed

"Okay one.. two.. three..!" Itachi clone counted real itachi and I smiled and a flash went off

I blink three times to adjust my eyes and see that the clone disperse

"Let's go check it out!" I grabbed Itachi's hand and run to see the photo

Both of us check out the photo and I squealed side hug itachi and he slightly blushed

"A memory to keep us together"

'Flashback Ends'

"Hina-chan, hana-chan come in" i chuckled hearing my room door open "I told you nee-chan know that we were outside" I heard Hanabi whispered not so secretly to Hinata

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