City Lights in Night

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“...and that’s why our new product will ensure consumers will require additional purchases to ensure a constant growth in revenue for our financial term, also the newly built Oscorp Hotel Plaza has already gained over 200 million dollars in reservations since it’s located right in the middle of bustling Manhattan among its many fancy buildings, skyscrapers and luxury hotels that reach the moon itself which of course draws the elite who want to spend in style which we offer , expenses such as food service and excellent alcoholic beverages, and of course our additional ‘minor’ fee for a guest to have their own exclusive presidential suite along with an indoor pool...needless to say people, we’re making money of these idiots” Harry Osborn had a nice laugh along with all the other corporate heads at Oscorp. 

     He was in his best 3 piece suit to give the best impression he could to begin the new term for his company. It had been at least 10 years since he lost his father to the awful illness he himself will succumb to in his later years, though probably his 40’s according to the doctors….but he didn’t worry because he has great things to enjoy the time he has. After shaking a couple of hands and hearing the regular ‘congratulations’ and ‘way to go’ from the kiss asses, that only care about their checks for just sitting at their desks at this point, which he proved by having a corporate meeting very very late at night on a Friday to see who would show up to kiss the boss’s ass, and of course they all did show much to his sheer amusement, he stayed after the meeting for a while, Harry made his way to his office at the top of the tower where the city skyscrapers can be seen in their all their glory especially at 1AM when the darkness is illuminated by the vast lights in the Manhattan sky.

“Mr.Osborn”... a black haired woman holding an electronic clipboard entered his office 

“Felicia...what’s up” said Harry as he turned away from the glass wall to face her 

       “I just wanted to say congratulations on the presentation and how well the company’s been doing these past several years...your father would be proud” Felicia said with a comforting smile 

       Harry was touched “thank you Felicia, I really appreciate that and all the hard work you do as my assistant all this time”. Now Felicia looked touched and simply said “you don’t have to thank me Mr.Osborn, it’s a pleasure and honor to work alongside you” 

     “For me” Harry corrected her, Felicia fought back a scowl, she hated his guy with a passion but hey the money’s good so why not, she can handle his dumb elite personality so she said “oh right, sorry” 

       Harry had to collect his thoughts for a moment, that last thing got to him as he can only hope his father would be proud, after all their last interaction hadn’t gone well….but he won’t focus on the past...or the people..well person who let him down cuz he did have a last laugh in the end. 

“Oh I’m sorry your wife couldn’t attend,” Felicia said as she was walking out the door. 

       “It’s okay, I had the camera streaming the meeting the whole time so she could watch from our Penthouse at the hotel….she said she’d probably be sleeping by the time I get home so I’ll just hit the clubs with some of the guys” Harry said with a cocky smile that only he didn’t notice but Felicia saw the inner Osborn enjoying the statement, she had seen it when she worked for Norman, how his voice sounded when talking about his competitors losing money, employees or their products and projects failing while Oscorp thrived thanks to HIS leadership, the voice smug and self centered man was always there. She had hoped Harry would be different but father like son. 

         “That sounds…great…tell  Gwen I said hello” Felicia said awkwardly as she left his office, now annoyed with him after only speaking for like 5 minutes with the man ‘god that guy just loves bragging about the money, company and the playboy personality while he has a wife of 9 years, who helped him after his father died’ Felicia thought. 

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