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Peter arrived at work the next day, he was in the elevator with Lois, 

“Let me know when you want to have some fun” he said to her and she scoffed and got off the elevator once it reached their level. Peter smiled and just went on with his day, working on crime stories while giving some Spidey photos to Jameson for extra cash. He finished up and decided to head out for lunch, he pulled out his phone and looked through some messages he got: some from Liz, one from MJ, several from Gwen, and one from Lois. He looked through all of them while walking down the street and he heard sirens so he went and did the usual thing…


Gwen was collecting some files from Harry’s home office that had any indication of missing tech or money from the company, she knew they would try to cover it up so now she could help Peter expose them, she was looking around when she got a call on her phone, she went to her phone and saw it was Harry who thankfully never came home last night,

 “Hello.” She answered,

 “Hey honey, I’m sorry about not making it home last night but I have a lot of work to handle at the office and the factories we have around the city need to be checked on…” Harry said trying to make it sound like a perfect excuse but Gwen just shrugged to herself,

 “It’s okay honey, you do what’s best for the company.” She answered in her sweet voice and Harry just hung up,

 “Loser.” Gwen said as she looked up Peter’s number with a smile, she called him and he answered after the first ring,

 “Ye’llo! What’s Up?” He shouted on his end,

 “Doing the superhero thing?” Gwen asked with a smile,

 “You know it! High speed chase going down, I’ll call you back okay!” He said and Gwen had her hands playing the strap of her robe,

 “Well when you’re done..get your tight spandex butt over here, Harry’s gone for the day again.” She said in a promising tone and Peter laughed on the other end,

 “Ohh Gwen Stacy you Fox!” He replied and Gwen laughed before hanging up, she decided to get something out of the closet, she opened it up and fished out a shoebox hidden under a dozen other ones since Harry’s trending gift is always shoes and heels, Gwen smiled as she opened up the shoebox and pulled out a flash drive she had hidden inside. Gwen then went to her laptop and connected the drive to view the contents: some old photos of her and Peter from their high school days, some new photos of their affair, and also a few videos, Gwen was about to play one when there was another call on her phone. 


“Well that’s over.” Peter said as he webbed up the criminals for the police to take into custody and he was about to swing away when he saw a familiar face taking photos of him, he approached her,

 “Mind telling me what you’re doing?” He asked her and she flashed the camera one last time before pulling out her tape recorder,

 “Spider-Man! Lois Lane here. Care to tell

Me how do you handle the daily routine of being a superhero?” She asked him and Spider-Man looked at the sexy brunette,

 “I fuck alot.” He replied point blank and Lois just had a blank look,

 “Okay uhm…what do you know about Gwen Osborn’s affair? I’m sure you’ve seen something swinging around the city.” Lois said and Spider-Man sighed with annoyance,

 “I do not know anything about that. Now excuse me.” He said with annoyance and Lois followed him along with several other reporters from various new corporations,

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