Chapter five

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A bright light shines right at Mr. Lordi as he opens his eyes. His body is aching and he feels like he can't breath properly.
He groans in pain and tries to move a bit, but only for his body to hurt even more.
His eyes have adjusted to the brightness and he can finally see where he is. He's in a room, laying on a soft bed, the light he saw was from a lamp on the ceiling.
He tries to move again but the pain keeps him in place.
- You're awake! He hears someone blurt out.
He hears footsteps approaching the bed and sees Mana looking down at him.
- Thank god you're alive! He says. For a moment there we thought you wouldn't come back!
- What h-happened, Mr. Lordi asks. His voice barley carrying his words.
- You better tell me that! Mana responds.
Mr. Lordi tries to sit up, pushing through the throbbing pain in his side.
- Hey hey easy there, Mana says reaching out for him.
He's able to sit up and takes a deep breath.
- I... I don't remember, he says quietly looking down at the bedsheets.
He looks behind himself and sees his wings, they're torn to shreds. His shoulders fall down and his eyes widen.
- Wh-what happened to my wings? He whispers out in a breath.
Mana walks over to a door and looks back at him.
- I'm gonna tell the others that you're awake, he tells him.
Mr. Lordi doesn't listen, he continues to look at his wings in shock and disbelief.

Mana walks out of the room where Hella, Kone and Hiisi are watching tv.
- Hey guys, Mana says.
They all look at him, worried that he has bad news, but it's quite the opposite.
- He's awake, he continues.
They all stand up from the sofa, wide eyed and mouths open. They all smile and run towards the door. Mana has to move to the side so they don't run into him.
They open the door and see Mr. Lordi sitting on the bed, looking at his wings.
Hella runs up to him and tries to hug him without hurting him.
- Omg I'm so happy you're alive! She bursts out.
Mr. Lordi looks at her, not really knowing how to respond.
- We were so worried about you! Kone says sitting down on the bed.
- Yeah, we thought you wouldn't pull through, Hiisi says kneeling down beside the bed.
Mana walks in and stands beside the bed.
- What even happened over there? Kone asks Mr. Lordi.
- I don't remember... he responds quietly.
- Could you try to remember? Mana asks him.
Mr. Lordi sighs as he tries to remember, foggy memories start to appear.
- Well, I remember... he starts. I remember flying over a forest.
The rest of them pay attention to his story.
- And then I-I heard gunshots, he continues. And then I remember falling...
- But why were you flying over the Grove forest? You know you can't be seen by people! Mana exclaims.
- I know... Mr. Lordi answers.
- But why were you there? Hiisi asks him.
The memories of that moment have fully come back to Mr. Lordi, but he knows he can't tell them.
- I don't remember why, he lies.
- Well at least you're still here, Hella says putting her hand on Mr. Lordi's shoulder.
- Most of him, Kone continues, pointing at Mr. Lordi's wings.
Mr. Lordi looks back at his wings, they're completely broken.
- I don't think you'll be able to use them anymore... Hiisi says. I've seen bats with wings like that, could barley lift off the ground.
Hella, Kone and Mana look at him with stern expressions.
- I'm sorry! I'm just telling you the truth! Hiisi responds to their reaction.
- He's right... Mr. Lordi says under his breath.
They all turn to look at him.
- They won't be able to carry me because the wind will just go through the tears in them, he continues.
- But it's still you, Hella says. Even if you can't fly, you're still the same Mr. Lordi that we know!
A small smile creeps onto Mr. Lordi's face, he really needed something like that.
- Thank you, he says looking at all of them.
- You know we're always gonna be here for you man, Kone tells him.
- Maybe you should rest a little, Mana says.
He notices a bloodstain on the bandage on Mr. Lordi's arm.
- It's bled through, Mana says. I'll apply more bandages.
He goes over to a med kit that's on a dresser in the room, he opens it and takes out a roll of bandage. He walks over to Mr. Lordi and start to apply it to his arm.
- There's still bullets inside you, Mana says while applying the bandage.
- My body will absorb it, don't worry, Mr. Lordi tells him.
- I tried to scan for them, Kone explains. But my sensors weren't working on you.
- Yeah, you can see any type of metal or steel object through any material, Hiisi says. It's so weird it didn't work on him.
Mana finishes applying the bandage and stands back.
- There we go, should be good for now, he says.
- Thanks, Mr. Lordi says looking at him with a smile.
- We'll let you rest for now though, Hella says and gets off of the bed.
They all walk out of the room, leaving Mr. Lordi alone on the bed.
He lays down on the bed slowly, hissing in pain for a moment.
He looks up at the ceiling, thinking.
' They must've herd the gunshots' he thinks 'they'll become more vigilant and are gonna try to avoid confrontation even more'.
His eyelids start to feel heavy and his body relaxes, 'it's been a rough day, maybe I deserve some rest' he thinks as he drift off to sleep.

Kone has fallen asleep on the couch in a position unknown to man, Hella and Hiisi are playing cards on the floor in front of the sofa and Mana sits with his back to the sofa, flicking trough the tv channels.
- Hey can I take the bows out of my hair now? Hiisi asks Hella.
- Not yet! Your locks won't know their full potential if you take them off! She tells him.
Hiisi pouts at her response.
Hella keeps looking at the clock hanging over the tv, like she's waiting for something. Hiisi doesn't question her and decides to wait and see what happens.
Suddenly, the doorbell rings. They all turn their heads towards the door, except for Kone who's still sleeping, making mechanical snoring noises.
- That must be my order! Hella exclaims and stands up.
- What order? Hiisi asks her.
- How do you think I'll be able to get food while looking like this?! She asks turning around to look at him.
He decides not to question her more because she's completely right.
Hella goes up to the front door and opens it, a delivery guy is standing in front of the door looking at his phone, checking the order.
He looks up from his phone and freezes, his eyes widen and he drops his phone.
- Yeah that's my order, Hella says taking the groceries from him.
She bends down to pick up the delivery guy's phone and gives it back to him. He's still frozen in place, not reacting to anything.
- Thanks man! She says and closes the door.
She turns around to look at Hiisi and Mana, they're both looking at her with questioning expressions.
- It never get's easier for them, Hella says and walks away to the kitchen to put the groceries away.

The two continue what they were doing until they hear a door opening.
Mr. Lordi walks out from the bedroom and closes the door behind him.
He limps over to the sofa and leans on the back of it.
- You know you shouldn't be walking around yet, Mana tells him.
- My body heals faster than a normal humans, he responds. I'll be fine.
Mr. Lordi looks down and sees Kone who's still sleeping.
- Is he that tired? Mr. Lodi says jokingly.
- He's been so worried about you that all of his energy was used up, Hiisi says.
This warms Mr. Lordi's heart, he didn't think they'd care that much about him.
Mana has been flicking trough tv channels while this has been going on, but something on one of the channels catches his attention. It's the news.
- Um hey, I think you wanna take a look at this, he says putting down the remote.
They all look at the tv, Hella comes from the kitchen to also see what's going on. Kone doesn't react, he continues snoring.
- A mysterious flying creature was spotted flying over the Grove forest earlier this day, the news anchor explained.
A picture of the creature shows up on screen, it's a little blurry but they can see that it's Mr. Lordi.
- The police were tasked to shoot it down, she continues. But they have been unable to find the body.
The footage cuts to a police officer getting interviewed.
- I've never seen anything like it before, he says. But we're determined to find the creature.
- Do you think it's still alive? The interviewer asks.
- I'm not sure, he answers. But if it is, it hasn't gotten far because it's injured.
The footage ends and goes back to the news anchor.
- As of right now, the creature has not been found, she says. Police are still searching the area the creature should've landed in.
Mana turns off the tv and looks back at Mr. Lordi who has a worried expression.
- What are we going to do? Hella asks.
- They're literally looking for you, Hiisi tells Mr. Lordi. You have to start being more careful.
Kone starts to wake up and looks around in a daze.
- Did I miss something? He asks in a groggy voice.
- I'll explain to you later, Hiisi tells him.
Kone looks up and sees Mr. Lordi, a smile creeps onto his face.
- You're up! He says.
Mr. Lordi looks down at him and smiles back.
- A few bullet wounds can't keep me down you know, he tells him.
Kone sits up in the sofa and stretches a bit.
- No but like for real, what did I miss? He asks.

- Okay listen! The chief says, slamming their hands on a desk.
- We have to start being more careful! They continue.
The rest of the hooded people stand quietly, trying not to anger the chief more.
- He knows about us now... they say, turning away from the rest.
- You better be more vigilant... they say. Cause if he catches you...
They take out a pocket knife and looks at the sharp blade.
- I'll take care of you personally! They say as they throw the knife right at the hooded people.
Three of them swiftly dodge the blade as it hits the wall behind them, the knife gets stuck in the wall, the wood cracks around it.
- Get them out of here Lewis... they say.
Lewis walks up to the bunch and looks down at them.
Just the sight of his facial expression scares all of them away, they all rush through the door and close it.
The chief sits down at the desk and puts their face in their hands, they sigh deeply.
Lewis sits down on a chair and pulls out his phone, waiting for a new command.
- You know Lewis... the chief says. Maybe him knowing about it isn't as bad as I thought.
Lewis turns off his phone and looks at the chief.
- It means I can scare him enough until I can use him for my benefit, they say. Almost like how I did all of those years ago.

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