Quit It! (7)

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(Isa pov; written by Isa)

I woke up the next day after Night got killed. It was hard for me to eat, or really do anything after that. I brushed my teeth and left my house, I've lost my appetite because of all the bloodshed yesterday. I was walking to school, and Earth caught up to me. "Isa, I thought you said we were meeting at the bus stop!!" Earth shouted, I just looked at her with a blank expression. I guess I was just out of it. "Sorry," I replied. "There's just a lot going on.." It got silent. I guess Earth didn't want to remember it either.

"Yeah, I get it." She said, "Let's just get to school, we're gonna be late!" We started running to school, and we luckily made it in time for first period. After ELA, I went outside to the football field and sat on the bleachers, I started writing my sonetts for ELA. But... Something was off. Surely I wasn't hearing things...

I heard shouting in the distance.

I closed my notebook and went to check it out, and it was...

Shoku. Punching Milo. My best friend since kindergarten.

"Tell me Isa's everything!! Now, Milo, that isn't a question.." Shoku punched Milo again, and Milo had a look of horror on his face. Did Shoku seriously think this would get me closer to him?

"Hey!! Cut that out, weirdo!" I shouted at Shoku, he looked back at me. Milo tried running to me, but Shoku kicked him back down. I must have looked upset, maybe even just blankly staring. "I-Isa!! I didn't expect y-you here.." Shoku stuttered, shyly.
I took a deep breath, "Cut your crap Shoku, I'm never gonna actually tolerate you if you keep hurting everyone I know!!"

Shoku looked at me, almost insanely. "But Isa... How else will you love me?" He walked to me and stood in front of me, I couldn't back away, his hands were grabbing mine. "How else will I get your attention...? What other way would get you to love me..?" Shoku smiled, his eyes wide. He looked psychotic. "Shoku, just go away! You're a creep, I don't want to deal with you!"I got my hands out of his grasp, running to Milo and grabbing his hand. We ran away from Shoku, and he only walked slowly. As if holding something... Was it an axe..? I couldn't see it...

We made it to the nurse, who patched up Milo's cuts and bruises. "Milo, what happened?" I questioned. Milo almost looked scared, horrified, but he tried talking nonetheless, "Shoku.. He.. He hit me.. He wanted information... Your information.."

I went silent. What the hell? Why would he..?


That was all I could make up. I was emotionally drained, so I just made up an excuse to go home. I said my throat hurt, and I got sent home. I felt like I was being watched though...

I saw his eye. That creepy freak, hiding in a bush. I ran back home, and when I opened the door, I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Shoku, go. Now," I turned around. It was Earth. "Isa, are you okay? You've... been acting weird ever since you left to the football field." I stared, "I'm fine, Earth. No need to worry!" I started walking inside my house, before Earth offered to stay home alone with me, so I felt safe. I let her in, and the rest of the day I either bawled or was doing homework with Earth. I didn't want to go to school anymore. I wanted this all to end.

Shoku X Isa fanfiction (inside joke, laugh at this)Where stories live. Discover now