Day of Darkness

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Hiya! I’m back with another chapter! I hope you enjoy. I dedicate this to Nidhi because she puts up with mine and Sanjana’s fangirling

*In the Black Tower

“Arrggghhhhh!!!” Morgana screamed with agony. Her follower cowered with fear as Morgana’s anger usually resulted in one of her followers being subjected to her fiery wrath. She was feared throughout the land by those who may never be subjected to her powers so her followers clearly feared her even more.

“Who is Emerys?” She was furious. She would need to know who was so good as to stand in her way and take her victory so easily. She was oblivious to Merlin’s leaving of Camelot however she wasn’t aware of his powers and so would have dismissed this anyway.  She looked worn out; like she had almost given up on the fight she could not ignore the prophecies that the Emerys would be the reason for Morgana losing the war. She continued to think and worry unaware that the answer would walk through the door in almost 4 days.

*In Camelot,

“It seems we all caught something! Even Percival!” Gwaine joked. Percival punched Gwaine’s arm jokingly. Arthur and the other knights relaxed after awkwardness, the two had been becoming very close recently and Arthur was beginning to wonder. It was these times that he wished he had Merlin to joke around with. Suddenly, Lyon dismounted his horse and began to look at the ground. There was trail. Lyon began to follow it as the knight followed swords ready, the tension began to increase. Lyon moved the leaves to see what was leaving the trail. It was Saxon wagon, one that had been trashed. There were arrows everywhere. Lyon turned to look at Arthur. He looked worried.

“Morgana?” He spoke. Lyon nodded apologetically. Arthur sighed.

“Search for survivors.”

Mordred dismounted his horse and began to search through the debris in search for any survivors. When he saw a figure in the corner of his eye, after his training Mordred had become very agile and quick at spotting things. He ran off behind the hooded figure almost straight after noticing it. He was spotted by Gwaine, who went after Mordred in case he needed any help. The other knights noticed Gwaine’s leaving and began to run after him. Mordred was catching up to the stranger when she fell. Mordred grabbed the prisoner and turned them around. He stopped.

“Clara?” He whispered shocked at her weak state.

“Mordred.” Clara sighed in relief. He heard the others coming and helped up just in time to say,

“Run!”  He said not noticing Gwaine who was lurking behind the trees shocked at the boy’s reactions. He had no time to confront him on his actions as the knights approached. Mordred turned to look at Gwaine oblivious to just how much the knight had seen.

“I thought I saw someone. Probably just a deer.” He said lying. The others believed him and continued back to their horses but Gwaine was not convinced.

*Later that evening,

Gwaine had been keeping an eye on Mordred ever since they had arrived back to Camelot. He was acting quite suspiciously, Gwaine thought. Mordred was unaware of Gwaine and after dinner snuck off to Gaius’ chambers to look for something to help Clara’s leg. He got what he needed and left undetected or so he thought.

Mordred went out into the forest to meet Clara. He helped her and stayed with her for most of the night but decided that he needed to return to Camelot. Clara had obviously disagreed with his position as a knight of Camelot but he did not expect her to change the views she had grown up hearing, seeing. Camelot was remembered as an enemy of magic since Uther’s reign. One cannot blame Arthur as he had already restored the prosperity of the kingdom however he found it increasing hard to change people’s views when they would not give him a chance. Mordred entered the castle and began to walk back to his chambers when he heard a voice speak.

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