Diamond of the Day- Final Part

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Hey guys! I'm back. This is the last chapter. I'm not planning on doing a sequel or a epilouge, sorry. Anyways thanks for reviewing and following and all that. Here you go!

Merlin was on watch. The fire was starting to go out. Merlin was thinking of the plan to get Arthur to Avalon before he died, he knew he didn't have much time. Gaius had told him that a strike from a sword forged in a dragon's breath was fatal. His journey to Avalon was based on the gamble that Arthur would last till the end of tommorow. He was also wary that Gwaine and Percival would try to find out where the young wizard was taking Arthur. He feared for what Morgana would do to Percival and Gwaine to try to find out where the boy had taken the wounded king.

Meanwhile back at the camp;

Percival and Gwaine listened to Gaius explain where Merlin had gone. He explained how he planned to try to save Arthur. Lyon had very recently explained where the army and Morgana had retreated to. Percival turned to Gwaine and smiled slyly.

"You know how we were talking about what we would do if we ever saw Morgana?" Percival said handing Gwaine a sword. Gwaine smiled and ran towards the horse mounting them swiftly and riding off with Percival not far behind him.

Arthur began to stir and Merlin moved towards him with the broth he had recently prepared out some unlucky rabbits who were in the wrong place at the wrong time. He moved to beside Arthur with the pewter bowl and spoon. Arthur finally opened his eyes to see Merlin crouching over him with a bowl and spoon. The spell invited him to rise and to put the spoon in his mouth. He swallowed the broth and smiled. It was then that he realised that it was Merlin holding the spoon. He tried to get to eye level but sunk and clutched his side and winced at the pain. His eyes widened with shock


Merlin ignored the surprise in his voice and moved to tighten the bandage to try to stop the bleeding. His face was expressionless. This confused Arthur.

"It's nice to see you."

Merlin moved the spoon around in the bowl and lifted the heaped spoon back to Arthur's mouth. Arthur moved back slightly. Merlin understood immediately and put the spoon back into the bowl and moved it to next to the fire. He began to remove the young king's boots.

"Why are you still doing this, Merlin?" Arthur said moving his feet back to grab the young warlock's attention. Merlin looked up into Arthur's eyes and whispered,

"It's my destiny. Now come on, you have to eat." Merlin moved back to Arthur's face with the bowl of broth. Arthur reluctantly started eating.

When Arthur had finished, Merlin left him to get some more wood for the fire. He told Arthur to sleep for a couple of hours and that Merlin would keep a lookout. Arthur was woken up a couple of hours later by Merlin lifting him up on to the horse. He groaned at the pain in his side.

"Come on, you overslept. We're running out of time. Merlin threw a cover over Arthur to keep him warm.

Gwaine and Percival were hiding behind a tree. They had managed to track down Morgana, she was now only under the protection of about 4 or 5 Saxons. No problems for the well- trained knights. Suddenly Gwaine leaped up and was charging full speed at Morgana. Percival ran behind him, killing most of the Saxons that got in his way. Percival came up behind Morgana and stuck her with his sword. She clutched her side in pain and Percival smiled but soon the smile faded as Morgana got up and said,

"Did you think killing me could be that easy? No mortal blade can kill a high priestess." Her eyes flared gold and Percival and Gwaine were unconscious on the floor. She looked down at the two knights and smiled.

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