Diamond of the Day- Part 4

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Hey guys! How are you all? I realise that I said that I would only update on weekends but in England we have our Easter holidays and quite often I find myself with nothing to do. So I write this fanfic. Anyway here you go!

"Unheran achtung bragdan!" Merlin waited for the sword to move towards him.

"Unheran achtung bragdan!" The sword didn't move. Merlin began to get frustrated.

"UNHERAN ACHTUNG BRAGDAN!" He shouted. He realised that nothing happened. He suddenly rushed to his brown travelling bag. He searched through until he found Gaius' old book on magical creatures. He searched through until he found the creature that had attacked him. It was a creature of the old religion conjured but by witches in the time of the great purge. They used it on their enemies; the creature feasted on the magic of other magical beings. It had left Merlin weak and powerless. Merlin knew what this meant. Morgana was looking to start the war for magic. She knew that without Merlin's magic Arthur stood no chance of survival.

*In Camelot

Lyon burst through the door into Arthur's chambers. Arthur jumped at the sudden entry.

"Sorry to startle you, my lord but we have some important news. Morgana and her army have just crossed our borders. We got word when they crossed the border, men were sent down to stop them but they may still be advancing." Arthur looked up worried. The news didn't come as too much of a shock, he knew that the information that Mordred was sure to provide to Morgana, she wouldn't be able to deny war for long.

"Call a meeting of the round table immediately, we need to discuss our plans and send armies before Morgana begins to move again."

"Of course, sire." Lyon bowed and left the room.

Arthur moved to get dressed for the meeting still thinking of what he was going to do.

*At the market,

Gaius was walking down the market street looking for ingredients for his potions when he heard,

"Pssssttt!" Gaius turned and looked for where the noise was coming from, he quickly spotted Merlin who was hiding behind a cloths stall. Gaius examined the situation around him to make sure that no one was looking and headed for Merlin.

"Merlin!" Gaius exclaimed once they had found a place where they could talk. Gaius hugged Merlin almost immediately.

"I missed you, Gaius" Merlin said. Gaius smiled.

"I missed you too but what are you doing here?"

"I've lost my magic Gaius," Merlin reached inside his bag to pull out the book where he had found the creature, "This thing took it, I need your help to get my magic back."

Gaius examined the page carefully, after a while he spoke.

"There is only one way to get your magic back, you must go to the place where magic is born," He pointed to another page in the book, it showed a cave in the mountains. Merlin recognised it almost immediately, Arthur and his men had travelled there once before. He had sensed great magic coming from them caves. "but Merlin, I do not want you to go alone. I will ask Gwaine to accompany you. Meet me outside Camelot at ten tonight."

Merlin nodded and moved away as he heard some guards approach. Gaius turned and started to walk back to the castle. He needed to see Gwaine as quickly as possible.

Gaius entered the meeting to see most of the knights assembled around the round table. He looked around for Gwaine to realise that he wasn't there. Arthur dismissed the knights and returned to his throne to think. Gaius approached Arthur to ask,

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