Episode 1 : The Broken Cuckoo Clock

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*Gentle piano music playing in the background along with the sound of light rain falling in the early morning*

*We seem to be in the city, the honking of car horns in traffic seem to be louder than the rain itself but nonetheless it gives off an ambiance of calm but chaos , dark gray clouds hover over all the people*

*The camera pans over the city in all its glory*

*The camera goes out of focus for a bit and becomes blurry but from a frontal view we can still some form of figure walking slowly on what seems to be a bridge*

*The rain seems to be getting stronger by the look and sound of it*

*The camera comes into focus now and we can see the figure clearly, the body a woman, but not her face; wearing a flowing yellow dress that's down to her ankles drenched in rain , barefooted and walking in the puddles of rain that lay in front of her*

*She stops in her tracks however and turns to face the rails of the bridge ; the camera allows us to see behind the woman , head to toe from behind staring at the city and the roads from where she stands, it is revealed that beneath the bridge is a river flowing slowly*

*The woman stands firmly letting the wind blow her short blackish brown hair in all sorts of directions*

*For a moment the sounds of the rain , the traffic, the cars , even the river seems to have been ceased even though it's still happening around us*

*The gentle piano music starts to become a bit more drastic - a bit more tense; like angry violins*

*All of a sudden the woman swings her legs over the rails of the bridge and sits down on it. Her hands gripping the rails of the bridge*

*The tense music gets louder and louder drowning out all the other noises as the camera zooms in on the woman from behind as she seems to be looking out at the world in front of her*

*The music gets even louder as she stops gripping the rail and falls forward*

*The screen goes black abruptly , the music stops and everything as we hear a big splash sound- indicating that the woman fell in*

*The screen goes back to normal but we are in a different setting, it is hard to tell what time it is but it seems to be morning ; all we can see at the moment are the glass windows with a small ray of sunshine shining through it, the wooden floors , a nightstand and a large black bed with drawers on the side with a comforter*

*The buzzing of a cell phone can be heard from atop the nightstand for a prolonged period - a call must be coming in*

*the camera shifts to an angle where we only see the head and middle of the bed along with the night stand*

*The buzzing stops for a bit but then starts again*

*Low mumbling is heard from underneath the comforter ; a shifting movement can be detected as well*

*A hand pops out from beneath the comforter , flailing aimlessly in search of something*

*The hand touches the nightstand and then touches the phone- still buzzing; It grabs the phone- which is still buzzing and brings it under the comforter*

*The buzzing comes to a halt- indicating the call has been answered*

*The owner of the hand lifts the comforter from their head and we can see their hair and eyes and the phone held up to her ears *

Person from under the covers : Mm?

Woman on the phone : WHERE ARE YOU!?!?

*the person on the other line is revealed to be a woman*

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2023 ⏰

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