Chapter 4

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Ben wondered yet again what he had gotten himself into as he looked up into Ellie's eyes as she hovered over his chest. Ellie was glaring at him with that fire in her eyes as she held a knife to his neck. He could feel her hand shake as the blade wobbled against his throat.

Ben could understand her fear but it wasn't necessary. He wouldn't do anything to her. He wouldn't hurt her. He'd be too scared of what she would do to him with or without that knife.

After he had given her his word she seemed to calm down a bit. She got off of him and much to his relief she even put down the knife. For some reason she trusted him when he gave his word. She moved to her side of the bed and laid down on the very edge of the mattress.

They laid there in silence just listening to each other breathing. Eventually Ellie's breathing became slow and deep and Ben knew that she was finally asleep.



Ben couldn't feel his arm. His fingers were numb and tingling letting him know that he had slept in a bad position. He tried to shift positions slightly only to discover that he couldn't move his arm at all.

He looked down and was shocked by what he saw. Ellie's face was inches from his with her head on his shoulder. She looked so peaceful when she slept. Ben knew why his arm was asleep and he didn't dare move because he might wake her.

She shifted in her sleep and her arm that was across his chest constricted slightly. He knew that if she woke up she would be horrified that she had cuddled up to him in her sleep. Ben was surprised by how peaceful she looked with her eyes shut and her flaming hair behind her in a tangle of curls. She looked vulnerable and childlike. For the first time he noticed just how young his wife was.

Slowly Ben eased out from her warm embrace. When he was gone she rolled over to her side. He tip-toed across the room and silently opened the bedroom door then slipped out into the hallway.

"Good morning Ben." Said a familiar feminine voice and he tried not to cringe as the hair stood up on the back of his neck. He wanted to race back into his bedroom but didn't want to risk waking Ellie. She had to be exhausted.

"Good morning Ari." He said through gritted teeth as he turned to face her. She stood against the wall with a smile on her lips. Ben knew she was trying to appear as seductive as possible. Ari looked at him through her lashes trying to be alluring.

"I trust you slept well? Just looking at her I know you got a lot of sleep. Seriously she is a toad." she said walking towards him swinging her hips back and forth with each step. Ben didn't want to continue with the conversation.

"Just fine, thank you." He said in his best monotone he tried not to show how angry he was that she had insulted Ellie like that. Ben tried to get around her when she pounced. Ari threw herself against Ben causing him to hit the wall. With Ari's body pressed against his front and the wall at his back Ben was trapped. She locked her arms around his neck pulling her whole body against his Ben couldn't get away. Unfortunately for him, his father had taught him that it wasn't ever acceptable to hit a woman. Ben wanted nothing more than to hit her. If not hit her at least knock her down or shove her with enough force that she would get the message.

"Should we pick up where we left off?" she whispered with her lips almost brushing against his. The back of his head hit the wall with a soft thud as he leaned back away from her. Ben felt her arms tighten around his neck with one hand wrapping up in his hair and the other griping his shoulder. He had his arms down at his sides trying to decide how to peel her off without actually touching her.

"And where was that exactly? Me running away from you as fast as I could?" He asked looking for an exit over the top of her head.

"Shall I remind you?" she breathed against his face as her eyes closed. Ben grabbed her waist and she smiled leaning closer but Ben pushed her away. It shouldn't have been a surprise. He always pushed her away. He hoped that she would catch on but she seemed to see his resistance as permission to keep trying. Her touch made his skin crawl. The sound of her voice made him wish for hearing loss. The woman drove him mad, and not in the positive way.

"Ari I'm not going to tell you again." He said holding out his arm so she couldn't come any closer. Her lower lip stuck out in a pout that she perceived as desirable. Ben found her ridiculous. "I want you to stay away from me. I'm a married man. This isn't acceptable behavior. I've told you before to stop this."

"Just because you're married doesn't mean our fun has to end. Many men have more than one woman." She said slinking back to him swinging her hips as she walked.

"I don't." Ben said firmly. "I won't." Ben walked away from her as quickly as he could before she could get her arms around him again. Being so close to Ari made him want to take a bath. No matter how many times he told her 'no' she seemed to always come around and try to get him. He had hoped that by returning with a new bride she would leave him alone but he had been wrong. If anything she was even more persistent now. Before Ellie she seemed to know boundaries

"Ben you don't have to hide your true feelings from me!" she called after him in a loud whisper. Ben didn't have to look over his shoulder to see her. He knew that she would have her hands on her hips and a pout on her face.

"Believe me! I haven't!" was his reply as he hurried away from her to the safety of the outdoors. He couldn't get out the door fast enough and he nearly crashed into his friend Peter.

"Whoa!" Peter said as he jumped out of the way. "That's how you greet your old friend?!" he cried. "By attempting to plow him over?"

"Sorry Peter I was just trying to get away from Ari."

Peter burst out laughing at Ben's obvious cringe.

"I don't know what you find so funny about that."

"You get married just to get these women to stop throwing themselves at you and now that you are married they still don't stop." He chuckled. "There aren't any women throwing themselves at me and let's face it. I'm the better looking one."

"Is that so?"

"Obviously! Just look at me." He said flexing his arms. "I'm gorgeous."

"And that is exactly why women aren't throwing themselves at you. There wouldn't be any room for them in the relationship with you and your ego."

Peter grabbed Ben and wrapped him in a head lock. Ben grabbed Peter's knee and jerked it up throwing him off balance. Ben drove him to the ground and dug his shoulder into Peter's stomach. Peter made a whooshing sound as all of the air left his lungs. He resembled a fish as he gasped for air for a second. Then he rolled forward to his toes using his momentum to launch himself forward grabbing Ben around the waist. They fell in a heap on the ground each trying to pin the other when the door opened and Ellie walked out. Peter caught sight of her and scrambled to his feet with his eyes wide. Ben also stood and nodded to her.

"Peter, this is my wife Ellie." She glared at him for the use of the nickname that he was determined to stick to her.

"Good morning Ellie." Peter said. He eventually remembered his manners and stepped forward. "I'm Peter. Ben's more attractive friend." He said extending his hand. He shoved his other hand through his hair trying to tame the mess.

Ellie took it and he lifted her hand to his lips. Her cheeks blushed bright red and she pulled her hand away quickly. Peters harmless flirting obviously bothered her and Ben was grateful.

"Elaine." She answered. Trying to dodge the nickname.

"Well Elaine. Welcome to our home." Peter said with a large smile.

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