Chapter 6 ~

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Chapter 6 ~

Robert was sat on the steps to the portacabin, eating a chicken sandwich.

  Robert looked down to his watch.

12.00pm.  His lunch break .

   Robert heard footsteps approaching, God, he hoped it wasn't Ross. He couldn't deal with him and his sneers.

  Robert looked up and immediately felt his heart quicken.


He was dressed in his usual work clothes, like he was. They were black smudges from the diesel and oil marking his face.

  He looked even more adorable somehow with them on his face...

   Robert gave a dreamy sigh, a hand on his cheek.

  "Can I join you?" Aaron asked him, lunchbox in his hand.

  "Yeah, yeah, of course!" Robert said too enthusiastically.

  Yes, definitely sit next to me! Robert thought, bursting with excitement.

  Aaron laughed, and took a place next to him.

  Robert smiled to himself.

  "You've got a bit of... oil..." Robert indicated on his own face where the oil was.

   "Oh, thanks," Aaron wiped his face with his sleeve. "You've got crumbs on your mouth too."


  " Here" Aaron responded, leaning over and wiping the edge of his mouth with his sleeve gently.

  Robert's mouth dropped into a "o" shape as a gasp was released and left in that shape long afterwards.

Butterflies were taking over the whole of Robert's stomach.

  Robert couldn't help stare at Aaron with bright eyes and open mouthed.

  "Speechless?" Aaron asked.


  Aaron laughed in response, picking up a sandwich from his lunch and took a bite of it.

  "You looked alarmed when you saw me.." Aaron told him.

  "Oh, I thought it was Ross, I'm glad it wasn't." Aaron chuckled by this.

  "Nobody wishes it to be Ross, to be fair."

  "Yeah." Robert laughed. "I don't know how you put up with him.."

  "I don't really, I'm surprised I haven't decked him yet."

  "Surprised everyone hasn't, he's an idiot, I mean I am but... y'know"

   Aaron sighed sadly. "You're not an idiot, everyone's warmed to you."

"They probably have to, I'm surprised you deal with me."

  "Don't be stupid, you're lovely Robert. The amount of times you've worried about me and that. It's not called dealing with as ya put it."

  Robert stared at him. "Lovely? Really? I'm not too sure about that. Thanks anyway.."

  "You're silly ya know that?" Aaron shook his head and squeezing his arm reassuringly.

   Robert shrugged, taking a bite of his chocolate biscuit.

  You need to tell him Robert, Robert told himself, desperately.

  Robert felt his fingers go fidgety and he saw out the corner of his eye Aaron was looking at his face, up and down.

Robert & Aaron: Second Chances (Robron) [Discontinued] Where stories live. Discover now