Part 2 - Chapter 10 ~

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Part 2 - Chapter 10 ~

Ross walked into the pub and walked over to where Aaron and Robert were giving each other shy, morning kisses.

Ross sat down, twiddling with his fingers.

Aaron looked away from Robert and focussed on Ross.

Black rings surrounded his eyes and he was slouching back in his seat (more than usual).

"You okay?" Aaron asked Ross. Ross stared at his hands, unaware of anything around him. "Ross?" Aaron said a bit louder.

Even Robert looked at him a bit concerned, but only just a bit. Robert wasn't suddenly just concerned with him. Especially with all the shit him and Aaron had to put up with.

Or maybe he was just overexaggerating?

"What?" Ross said.

"You okay?" Aaron asked again.

"Why's it any of your business?"

"Well it's uh not. Sorry for taking interest then." Aaron muttered, his patience running dry.

Ross stared at him before getting up and leaving without his regular lager he tended to have this morning.

Robert turned back around to Aaron. "Wonder what that was about?"

Aaron shrugged. "I dunno." Aaron shook his head then smiled Robert's way. "You okay today anyway?"

"Perfect, you?" Robert responded.

"Fine." Aaron nodded.

Aaron looked down at his watch. "We should get to work."

"Oh joy!" Robert responded sarcastically.

Aaron giggled as he came around the bar.

Robert placed his hand in Aaron's and they walked to the pub door, occasionally giving each other shy looks and smiles.


Robert and Aaron swung their entwined hands. Robert smoothed over Aaron's thumb with his own occasionally and Aaron gasped in response.

They both walked past the garage. Trying to pick up the pace to try and not be late.

It was a habit of Robert's now. Cain wasn't very happy with the idea of it. Why would he be?

Aaron looked at Ross as he huffed a sigh, leaning against a car bonnet in the garage.

Aaron frowned. Was he mad at me? Aaron thought to himself, but as he looked over his attention wasn't even on Aaron but the floor itself.

Aaron and Robert carried on walking, giving Ross occasional looks from behind, until they reached the scrapyard.

Adam was already there sorting through scrap, useful and rubbish.

Adam smiled as he saw them. "Alright boys?"

Aaron huffed a laugh. "Alright boys, really?"

"That sounded quite..." Robert frowned, thinking. "gay" Robert finished.

"Alright guys, God, next time I won't say owt."

Aaron laughed. "Sorry, mate. Anything we can help you with?"

"Yeah. Jimmy wants us to sort the scrap into two piles. Some of it might be useful and that."

"Sound." Aaron nodded, unlinking his and Robert's hands and both of them walked into the portacabin for overalls and pulled them on.

Aaron sighed as it didn't feel right without Robert's hand there.

Robert nudged his shoulder into Aaron's with a smile and Aaron did it back with a grin.

"Alright girls." Adam muttered.

Aaron scoffed, picking up pieces of metal and examining them carefully.

"What's the wood for?" Robert asked, picking up a piece.

Adam shrugged. "I dunno. We probably don't need it. Scrap it."

"Got it, mate." Robert nodded, throwing it effortlessly into a pit.

"Nice one." Aaron nodded, watching Robert's aim.

Robert grinned. "I have a great aim, don't I?"

"You're telling me." Aaron picked up a bundle of wood and tacky metal and threw it into the skip. "But so do I."

"Oh yeah?" Robert said playfully, leaning in for a kiss.

"Mmm I do." Aaron leaned in too.

Adam pushed them apart. "Work!"

Aaron huffed. "Alright, alright." Aaron leaned back.


Adam turned away and went into the portacabin and Aaron quickly pressed an unexpected kiss to Robert's lips.

"Ooh cheeky!" Robert said, playfully.

Adam walked out the portacabin with a bundle of paperwork.

"You okay?" He asked the flustered Robert.

"Umm, uh, yeah, fine." Robert responded, fake smiling.

Aaron sent him a little wink which made Robert blush more.

Robert bit his lip picking up more scrap littering the scrapyard ground and around the portacabin steps.

Robert jumped as Aaron came up behind him.

"Did I ever mention how good ya look in those overalls?" Aaron whispered in Robert's ear.

Robert blushed. "You may have mentioned something before"

Aaron smiled, placing another (less shy) kiss on Robert's lips.


Ross sighed, removing his back from the car bonnet.

Ross filled his cheeks with air and breathed out heavily.

Ross sighed, knowing he had to talk to someone. Anyone....

Aaron and Robert.


Good thinking, Ross! Like always. Ross thought to himself, smirking.


"Right we're done!" Robert straightened up.

"Finally." Aaron muttered.

Aaron grabbed Robert's hands and unintentionally started swinging them again.

Robert blushed, admiring Aaron with a tilt of his head.

"You're so cute!"

"Did Aaron Livesy use the word cute?" Robert joked.

"Shut up!" Aaron said, smiling.

Aaron tickled Robert's sides and he laughed loudly. "Stop it please!"

"How about no?"

Aaron and Robert stopped messing around as they heard footsteps on the concrete behind them.

In unison, they both turned around.

"Can we talk?" Ross asked.

Robert & Aaron: Second Chances (Robron) [Discontinued] Where stories live. Discover now