Chapter 4 ~

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Chapter 4 ~

Over the next few days, everything Robert did and said Aaron took careful interest to.

   Aaron firstly began taking interest to Robert when he groaned at work suddenly and ran a hand through his silky hair and it messily dishevelled back into place.

Aaron couldn't decide which he preferred, which were hotter? Messy or tidy?

  He noticed many things Robert did, like such he pouts when fixing a car doesn't go right, that sexy smirk  when Ross gets scolded for something wrong, that cute, blank look he gives when he's daydreaming.

  Aaron could list many others but how creepy would that look?

Aaron watched Robert pace back and forth irritated.

  Aaron couldn't help watch him, especially in those skinny jeans that made his legs more thin and his backend more... noticeable.

  And don't get me started on his crotch area in those jeans... Aaron thought to himself, slightly amused.

  Robert ran his hands over his face and sighed.

  Where the fuck are these parts for this car? Robert thought to himself, frustrated and pacing again.

  Robert could see Aaron from across the driveway and so he waved at him and he waved back.

From here, he could see him frowning.

God, how he loved his frowns, they were so adorable!

  Robert loved many points about Aaron that he'd noticed recently. Of course mainly his frowns, the way he bites his nails nervously or out of boredom, the way he tries but fails to pretend that he isn't staring at him and of course Aaron's muscles, how sexy were they?

  "You alright?" Aaron asked, walking to him.

  Fuck, Robert stop grinning like crazy, Robert scolded himself, noticing how happy he was that  Aaron was close to him again.

  "Urm.. yeah.. I can't seem to.. er find these parts.." Robert said, awkwardly.

  "A Ford?" Aaron said to himself, observing the car. "I'll go ask Cain."

Robert was glad he didn't pick up on the awkwardness but maybe he did but didn't say anything?


  Well, observing like that can go to my list of things I love about him...

"Well, the parts were there, just in front of the car, unless they've been moved" He heard Cain say as he were walking towards him.

  "Lost the parts, have you Sugden?" Ross sneered. "Or unless you've grown forgetful?" Robert sighed out heavily and his mouth went into a straightline.

  Ignore him, Robert, Robert thought to himself.

  "Shut up, Ross" Cain scolded him and Robert had to resist from laughing. On the other hand, Aaron burst out laughing and received a irritated look from Ross.

  Robert couldn't help laugh as well, the situation was too funny plus his laugh is addictive.

  "Really? No telling offs for those two?"

  "You deserved that one." Cain told him, his corners of his mouth nearly into a smirk."You're gonna have to look around for them, they were here... unless Ross moved them."

  "Oi, I didn't move them."

   "One second, I'll see the paperwork inside." Cain told him and Robert trailed behind.

  "Well we definitely received them." Cain told Robert from inside the portacabin,  as he was stood on the steps.

  Suddenly, Robert felt a tingling down his arm that made him gasp.

   Robert looked up and realised that Aaron had briefly touched him as he went past him.

  Aaron turned around now from where he was stood with an amused look and a smirk. Robert shook his head playfully and Aaron actually gave him a cheeky wink.

Oh my god! Robert thought, heart pounding and drool on his lip. Aaron's loving this isn't he!

  Aaron couldn't contain himself, he was enjoying the effect it had on Robert.

Aaron bit his lip, smugly and cheekily.

"You're gonna have to search around." Robert nodded in response.

  "I'll come with you." Aaron told him with a cheeky smile and a knowing look.

  Fuck, how excited am I!? Robert thought to himself, his heart racing, fingers fidgeting and his breathing quicken.

  "Right, let's go then." Robert responded, trying to not sound too excited.

  I can't wait for this! Aaron thought, excitedly, smirking at Robert.

Robert & Aaron: Second Chances (Robron) [Discontinued] Where stories live. Discover now