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everyone froze at that moment. what did wei ying just call lan wangji? what does that even mean? they never even showed signs of dating. And Lan qiren was trying not to get qi deviated. lan zhan looked at wei ying even shocked but for other reasons, how did wei ying know? "wei ying.. you knew?" wei ying smiled softly and nodded his head.

"of course i did. you tied us together with your headband at cold spring cave and we bowed before you ancestor lan yi three times. according to the gusu clan rules we are married. And for many other clans we would be too considering we bowed before the ancestors three times " wei ying smirked at the old man who seemed to have been frozen and lan xichen just sighed when the juniors started giggling. "you- you know those rules?!" wei ying looked at lan qiren again and rolled his eyes. "of course i do, you made me copy them so many times that it's impossible not to know~ come on lan zhan let's go now, these people don't deserve our time." lan wangji nodded his head and followed wei ying out of cloud recess.


lan zhan was still a bit shaking up from what had just happened, not only had he spoken against his brother and uncle but wei ying had pointed out their sudden marriage? he didn't think wei ying would know of how they got married in the first place. he had thought to keep it hidden and once he had properly courted and married the younger one he would tell him about it. they hadn't even dated or anything like that. they were going to have a serious talk about this once they got somewhere save..

but on the other hand he was happy, wei ying knew he belonged to him. and he didn't seem to have any negative emotions about being married into the lan clan when he didn't even know what was going on, he had probably figured it out later on what had happened. perhaps that's what he wanted to talk about in nightless city all those years ago..? as he did try many times to talk to him and even said he didn't want to speak off the yin iron but off something more important.. his lack of social skills really hasn't done them any good..

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"master wei? where are we going tho?" wei ying looked back and smiled a little when they passed through the gate of cloud recess. "the burial mounds" the two juniors felt a little scared upon hearing that but when lan wangji didn't seem bothered by it they relaxed and kept on following behind the two.

"we're going home wei gongzi..?" wen ning smiled and wei ying nodded his head. "we're going home a'ning" wen ning seemed happier now and walked next to wei ying wen lan wangji went to walk with the juniors. "i wonder if everything is still how we left it" wei ying hummed and smiled at wen ning continuing to have a small conversation while heading to yiling. it wasn't too far but also not too close. they would have to rest in a inn for the night.

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after having found a inn in a rather small town they had taken two rooms. the two juniors would be staying together and wei ying, lan zhan and wen ning would be sharing a room.

wen ning had gone out for reasons unknown. wei ying doesn't ask questions just asks if the other will be careful and lets him go.

wei ying was laying on the bed in the room just staring up at the ceiling before he sat up when lan zhan sat by him. he guessed where this would be heading. "wei ying-" wei ying didn't say anything and just patiently waited for lan zhan to make his thoughts into words.

"wei ying.. about what has just happened and- and the rules of having to be married now.. i- i didn't want it to go such way.. i i wanted to ask you if you would want to go out.. with me.. and then court you before marriage.." normally this would be spoken in more words but for lan zhan this was already as much as he normally spoke in days if not weeks. wei ying smiled and held the other male his hands. "lan zhan, let's start over then. let's go out with each other first and then marry properly"

lan zhan looked up at wei ying and smiled the most gentle smile he has ever smiled and nodded his head. "yes, let us do that" wei ying smiled and hugged onto lan zhan and wasn't pushed away. lan wangji just held him close to him.

word count 800

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