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Normally lan wangji wouldn't allow anyone to just sleep on the middle of the day but seeing as Wei ying was tired he allowed it.
It didn't bother him that his normally neat bed was a bit messy from Wei yings turning around while sleeping as he might have found it cute actually.

he had noticed the resentful energy building up around wei ying which caused their current positions of him sitting next to the bed playing a calming song while wei ying was sleeping curled close to the edge on the bed seeming to try and be close to lan wangji.

it wasn't as if the resentful energy was attacking him it was merely swarming around wei ying, it became of interest by wangji on how much control wei ying actually had concerning the resentful energy and demonic cultivation. he knew wei ying never lost control of it before but it drove him to the point of suicide, it made him believe that all evil and wrongdoings in this world were his fault.

lan wangji did not want that to happen again, he is relieved and glad to have his partner back here again. in cloud recesses where he can keep him close and safe, away from all the danger that the world brings. he wonders how long wei ying would willingly be coped up in here, he is of course allowed to walk around cloud recesses as long as he wears the mask seeing as lan qiren still stays here and they can't risk of anyone coming to find out about the truth, about the yiling patriarch being back.

but wei ying has always been a free and energetic person who can not sit still for long amount of times unless he has put his focus on something, in that case he could be busy for hours as long as you don't distract him.


it had taken wei ying a few more hours to wake up again making it near evening. he sat up and stretched hearing the satisfying popping of bones before he looked around the room seeing lan wangji wasn't here.. it saddened him that lan wangji wasn't here like he had been when he fell asleep but he guessed the other man had work to do. seeing he is the current heir of the lan clan as lan xichen does not have any children.

signing he put his mask on despite that he would like to not wear it for once but he doesn't really have a choice if he wants to stay here.. he took chenqing and left the room twirling the flute around his fingers.

he didn't really know where he would be going as he can't leave cloud recesses without lan wangji and he has no idea where the other is. not that he would want to go into town seeing as he doesn't feel like dealing with all those people.

"young master mo" he turned around and was quite surprised to see lan xichen as he hadn't seen him much since he had gotten here. "zewu jun, anything i could do for you?" "would you be able to spare a minute to come and talk with me?" wei ying nodded his head and followed the older male to where he assumes is lan xichen's place.

he sat down at the table together with the oldest jade and politely refused the tea as lan zhan had him drinking enough of that stuff before he took the mask off, lan xichen already knows who he is so there is no point in keeping it on. "why did zewu jun want to speak with me?" he found it rather strange as the man had made no attempt of speaking with him before this.

"wangji came to speak with me about your theories of someone else controlling the puppets and your accusations towards jin guangyao" he spoke with the same soft tone like he always did but wei ying couldn't help but feel slightly anxious about this all. "ah yea sorry.. i- i didn't mean that there aren't any other possibilities but-" "a'xian calm down" he frowned a little and looked away, no one had really called him that except for yanli but it didn't feel strange hearing it come from the other man.

"i am not mad or anything like that alright? and wangji would attempt murder if i did anything to hurt you. but i was merely curious what made you come to that conclusion is all, i myself might say that he has been acting different ever since becoming clan leader and perhaps even before that" wei ying laughed a little at when xichen said lan zhan would harm his elder brother and visibly relaxed a little before he went on explaining on what had happened that day in nightless city and how he could no longer control anything as well as what happened with wen ning the day jin zuxian had died.


after hours of talking not just about some theories but also about some normal things like what had been going on and everything wei ying had fallen asleep in xichen's living room making the older boy smile softly. if only his stubborn younger brother could find the nerve to court the younger one things would be so much easier, wei ying might not have to hide then.

word count 901

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