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Keys just keys and clocks moving everywhere back and forth with their chiming sounds going together.

Dr. Bumby: "Come now Y/n, it only a dream" He says trying to convince you

Y/n: "Its not a dream, it's a memory. And it makes me sick" you said in your thick British accent as you were in the dinner table with Mad Hatter having tea.

Dr. Bumby: "Now, focus.Wait.. You're floating, again Weightless.. a ciper.. relax" As fish, cards with your face on it flying around in your head then it shows soliders swinging their weapons around with a monster sitting in a heart throne with fire around them.

Y/n: Fire! I'm in hell?!" You say horrified

Dr. Bumby: "Forget it! Abandon that memory. It's unproductive, Go to wonderland" He says rather in a hurry tone.

Y/n: "I can't, I'm trapped.. in my past" As it shows a weird looking creature pushing a baby doll caughting on fire. Now it shows little y/n staring at the fire while holding her teddybear tightly as citizens crowd over her.

Citizen 1: "Sergeant, this girl I badly burnt. Call a doctor!"

Citizen 2: "Will she be alright?"

As it shows y/n's family waving at her in fire.

Dr. Bumby: "No, Y/n Discard that delusion. Forget it. Go to wonderland" As if that's gonna help, as big waves was crashing down, it was foggy, grim, dark place, until it was a colorful all the sudden.

Y/n: "I'd rather not, Doctor. My Wonderland's shattered. It's dead to me" You explained

Dr. Bumby: "Your preference doesn't signify, girl. Now, Y/n, where are you" He asked her as it shows y/n with a rabbit having tea.

Y/n: "I'm sailing, with a friend. Hmm. It's different. Somehow, things have changed." You said hopefully.

Dr. Bumby: "Change is good, it's the first link in the chain of forgetting"

Y/n: "What's happening? Are you mad?" You asked as you notice the rabbit was twicing pretty bad.

Dr. Bumby: "I'm not mad?" He says, confused

Y/n: Rabbit? You say worried as blood was trickling down the rabbits chin.

Dr. Bumby: "That's not right. What's he doing in there?" Completely ignoring the man your attention was onto the rabbit.

Y/n: "Is something wrong?" As more blood was gushing out of the rabbits chin.

Rabbit: "Something wrong? Raaaather" As the rabbit head pops off with blood shooting out everywhere with you blocking your face.

Y/n: "Oh no, not that" As the red blood splatter on your face turning black every second as the water waves now corrupt black as baby dolls limps coming into the surface.

Dr. Bumby: "Don't struggle, Y/n. Let the new wonderland emerge"

Y/n: Pollution! Corruption! It's killing me. Wonderland is destroyed! My mind is in ruins!" As the baby dolls limps comes closer to you as everything was sinking down the limps clawed at your face slowly ripping your skin off.

Dr. Bumby: "Forget it, Y/n. Block that dream, wake at the sound" He says rather urgently. You in wonderland you were sinking down into the black mist.

Now laying down in Dr. Bumy's room feeling overwhelmed

Dr. Bumby: "There, Y/n better now, aren't we" He said

Y/n: "My head's exploded and there's a steam hammer in my chest" sitting up rubbing your head.

Dr. Bumby: "Yes, will the cost of forgetting is high" He stated

Y/n: "My memories make me vomit. What can i-"

Dr. Bumby: "Remember other things" He interrupted

Y/n: "I want to forget! Who would choose to be alone, imprisoned by their broken memories?" As Dr. Bumby walked behind your chair, looking at the window.

Dr. Bumby: "I'll set you free, Y/n. Memory is a curse more often than a blessing"

Y/n: "So you said. Many times and-"

Dr. Bumby: "And I will say again, the past must be paid for. Now, before our next session, collect those pills from our High Street chemist"

Y/n: "Very well, Doctor" getting up, walking towards the door, opening it you see a little boy.

Boy: "Its my turn to forget, Y/n" He said happily with him walking inside with you looking back you walked away.

Dr. Bumby: "Now, Charlie your Pa was hung for killing your ma, who beat you. Let's forget that shall we? The past is dead Charlie"

A/n: sorry for not publishing I've been on writer block lately

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A/n: sorry for not publishing I've been on writer block lately

Word count: 708

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2023 ⏰

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