Prehistoric Rescue

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Izuku and the others watched as Mt. Lady destroyed the warehouse and helped Best Jeanist capture the Nomus, though she had begun complaining.

Mt. Lady: "Ugh, why are we stuck here, we should be fighting. These things aren't doing anything anyway. What are those robot things anyway?"

Jeanist: "Do not take this job lightly, the Nomus only activate when given orders. Though I don't know what they are."

Izuku ran over in Partial Cybertronian Form.

Jeanist: "You shouldn't be here, you're a student!"

Izuku: "Yeah I know but that doesn't matter. Those robots are protoforms, they're almost done forming, if they activate I'm the only one here who could take them."

Jeanist: "How do you know?"

Izuku: "The robot from the USJ is a mature version of these and I lost, you're not made to handle big machines like that."

Best Jeanist nodded accepting his reasoning, all of a sudden clapping could be heard alongside metallic thumps. Izuku watched as a man in a suit wearing a helmet walked out from the shadows, and as Starscream, with a brand new scar on his face, walked put from behind a building.

AFO: "Bravo, to think you heros were smart enough to find this place, it almost amazes me. But now that I've been found, I can let loose."

Ge raised his hand and released a powerful wave of air that punched a hole through Best Jeanist's torso.

Starscream: "Remember, the green boy is mine."

The man merely nodded, causing the Decepticon to charge at Izuku who shifted to Full Cybertronian Form and clashed with Starscream.

Starscream: "Not bad for an Autobot. But for a Prime you're still lacking."

Izuku: "Well I know how you fight now."

They broke the clash and Izuku shifted his arm into a Photon Burst Rifle.

He started firing at Starscream, the close range causing the con's armor plating to get knocked off

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He started firing at Starscream, the close range causing the con's armor plating to get knocked off

Starscream: "You'll pay for that! And I know how!"

He raised his leg and activated the thruster, causing Izuku to get launched backwards. Izuku noticed All Might had appeared and was fighting the man from earlier. His attention was brought back to Starscream when he heard a scream. His head snapped to face him only to find Shino gripped tightly in his hand.

Starscream: "You seem awfully fond of this human. What would you do if I were to grind her to paste in my hand?"

His words went unheard by Izuku whose eye once again started flashing between blue and red. Starscream noticed this and looked at him confused.

Izuku: *Yelling* "Put her down! For your own safety put her down now!"

Starscream then started laughing.

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