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The straps holding Izuku in place released and he stepped down from the operation table. As he did so he reverted to his Human Form and climb up to the walkways.

Ratchet: "Everything's in order. Your spark is fully operational and so is your processor. I didn't see any abnormalities with the matrix either. As far as I can tell, you're perfectly fine."

Knockout: "Same here. Honestly anything could've happened to cause this. It was probably just one of the many hits you took causing an eye to be stuck as red."

Izuku: "You're both absolutely sure nothing is wrong?"

Both: "Yes."

Izuku shook his head and sighed. He then noticed Prowl walk out of the base and drive off.

Izuku: "I know I don't know you all very much, but Prowl seems much, broodier than normal."

Knockout: "I'll give you three guesses why."

Ratchet: "It's because he can't stand our two new additions. Him and Arcee so far are the only two who still have problems with Knockout and Breakdown."

Izuku: "I know Arcee will come around eventually, 8m.jus not sure about Prowl."

Ratchet: "Neither am I."

Knockout: "Just wait until he's forced to have me fix him up."

Ratchet: "It might help. But don't bet on him suddenly accepting you after that."

Izuku: "I have a feeling he still hasn't accepted me either."

Ratchet: "We can figure that out later. You need to get back to Japan."

Izuku: "Right."

He hopped off of the walkway and towards the ground bridge. Ratchet then activated it.

Izuku: "Keep me updated with events here. I wanna at least be in the loop."

Ratchet: "If course. Now go."

Izuku nodded and ran through the ground bridge. The otherside was directly outside the 1-A dorms. Izuku was glad to be there early, even if they didn't have school that day. He walked through the front doors to see most of the class lounging around. Iida suddenly appeared next to him.

Iida: "Midoriya!"

A small scream and an apology later, Iida continued.

Iida: "A hero stopped by to ask for you."

Izuku: "Who was it?"

Iida: "Mirko."

Izuku: "Why would Mirko ask about me?"

Iida shrugged.

Iida: "She asked for, and I quote 'The big green robot kid.'"

Izuku: "And she left immediately after because?"

Iida: "No she didn't. She was here for two hours."

Izuku then looked around and noticed his classmates weren't exactly "lounging", in fact, they were a bit more unconscious.

Izuku: "I see. And did she leave a message for where she would be?"

Iida: "No. But she did leave her number for you to call."

Izuku: "Okay. Where?"

Iida took his shirt off and turned around to show Izuku a phone number written in sharpie on his back.

Izuku: "Whaaaaaaa....."

Iida: "Just put it in your phone so I can wash it off."

Izuku quickly did so.

Iida: "Thank you."

He walked towards the boy's showers, and fell flat on his face just before the doorway. He too, was unconscious. Izuku quickly called Shino.

Shino: "Izu? What's up?"

Izuku: "Hey Shino. So you know how UA's letting us first years do work studies?"

Shino: "Mhm. What about it?"

Izuku: "Well uh, Mirko just gave me an invitation to what I hope is a work study."

Shino: "Okay? Where are you going with this?"

Izuku: "It was her phone number written on Iida's back. After giving it to me he just passed out in front of the showers."

Shino: "Yikes. You'll be fine."

Izuku: "Tell that to Ratchet when he has to repair me."

A laugh was heard on the other end.

Shino: "I'm serious. You'll be fine. Love you."

Izuku: "Love you too, bye."

The call then ended. Izuku paused for a moment and then call Mirko's number.

Mirko: "Yello?"

Izuku: "This is Izuku Midoriya."

Mirko: "Who?"

Izuku let out a sigh.

Izuku: "The 'big green robot kid' you beat up a bunch of high-school first years for."

Mirko: "Ooooh! Yeah! I want you to work study under me."

Izuku: "Don't you usually work alone?"

Mirko: "Yeah, but I felt like making an exception. There should be an address on the back of your explosive friend there. Go to it."

Izuku walked over to Bakugo, rolled him over, and pulled up his shirt. Sure enough, there was an address there, in bright green paint.

Izuku: "Any more words on my classmates' backs I should look for?"

Mirko: "Nah. None meant for you anyway. Get to that address."

She ended the call. Izuku pulled Bakugo's shirt back down, stood up, and turned to the door. He walked out to find Aizawa walking up the stairs.

Aizawa: "Anything wrong Midoriya?"

Izuku: "With me? No. Good luck."

He quickly ran past Aizawa and towards the front gates of UA. Aizawa, confused, shrugged off Izuku's actions and walked inside.

Aizawa: "What the fu-"

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