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Shino crashed into a concrete wall in her Full Cybertronian Form. Nemesis, in his own, grabbed her and threw her again. When she hit the ground, he jumped over and intended to land on her, but she reacted faster then he could attack. She kicked her legs up and launched herself into the air, meeting Nemesis halfway and kicking him back. She flipped in the air and landed on her feet. She nearly stumbled due to vibrations coming from the surface. Nemesis got to his feet.

Nemesis: "Sounds fun up there. Let's finish up here so I can join the battle up top!"

Nemesis ran towards Shino, but before he reached her, she turned on her comms.

Shino: *Yelling* "Now!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Ratchet opened a ground bridge behind her. She jumped up as Prowl came through, throwing shuriken at Nemesis and kicking him away. Shino landed next to the ninja bot. Their opponent began to laugh.

Nemesis: "You think a single piece of backup will be enough to beat me?! Now that's funny!"

Prowl: "He really is Dekiru's opposite."

Shino: "Tell me about it. You have it?"

Prowl nodded.

Prowl: "I just need to get behind him. We need more space for that, this chamber is too small for me to comfortably fight."

Shino: "Got it. Let me handle that."

She ran at Nemesis who recovered, grabbed him, spun around, and threw him up towards the hole.

Nemesis: "You think air's gonna hurt me!? God you two are desperate!"

Prowl and Shino followed after him, landing on the surface. Prowl immediately began attacking again. He threw more shurikens at Nemesis before sliding between his legs and attempting to kick him in the back. Nemesis shrugged off the thrown weapons, immediately turned around, and grabbed Prowl's leg.

Nemesis: "Nice try. You might've had a chance if I was an eon older."

He immediately threw Prowl at Shino, who jumped over the flying Autobot and attacked Nemesis. She punched him in the chest and grabbed the arm he tried to hit back with before falling backwards, putting her feet on his chest, and kicking him into the air. She then jumped after him, but he backhanded her back to the ground and landed next to her. Nemesis raised his foot to stomp on her chest but Prowl, now in vehicle mode, slammed into him, knocking him down. Above the three Cybertronians, were Setsuna and Overhaul, both fighting in the air.

Nemesis was sent down the street by Prowl's attack but quickly recovered, just to find that Shino was on him again. She attempted to kick out his legs, but he jumped over her leg, grabbed her head, and slammed her face into his knee, making her stumble backwards. As soon as he landed, Nemesis rushed at her, extending his blade. He swung at her head, just for Prowl to appear behind her and kick Nemesis' arm upwards, making him miss.

Nemesis: "You're getting on my NERVES!"

He went to grab Prowl with his other arm, just for it to get grabbed by Shino. She pulled him towards her, sent a punch at his head, and let go as it landed, sending him flying back again. As he landed on the road, something landed next to him with tremendous force, cracking the asphalt. Paying no mind to it, Shino and Prowl rushed their opponent. Nemesis on the other hand, already knew what it was, and smiled widely.

Nemesis: *Yelling* "You're already too late!"

He reached opened his chest, revealing the matrix, and reached inside before pulling out a cord, one Shino was very familiar with.

Shino: *Yelling* "Stop him!"

He then flipped over and slammed the cord into the object that fell, the dust now settling enough the reveal what it was.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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