Settling In

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A few days after everyone moved in Steven and Pearl were off doing the shopping in town when they saw a young family who were all playing together in the park, when Steven saw this, he began to look sad as he was reminded on how he didn't have his parents when growing up and was forced into the parental role himself. "Steven, are you okay you look pretty upset?" Asked Pearl. "No, it's just seeing that family all happy together reminds of how my siblings are the only family I had for a long time before Eveline entered my life." Answered Steven. "That reminds me why is it that Eveline calls you dad despite you not being her actual father?" Asked Pearl. "It's because I was the closest thing she had to dad when she was a baby, Crystal, Finn and I all found her in an abandoned house crying without any parents in sight." Answered Steven. 

After that conversation the two of them continued on their way to the store to get the groceries. "Alright now we got everything where do we want to go now Steven, Steven where did you go?" Called Pearl. Steven had walked off to an old ice-cream parlor where he remembered the last place, he saw one of his friends before a berserker tore through the town and killed him right before his eyes. "Steven are you okay, you were spacing out again?" Asked Pearl. "Yeah, yeah just reliving some old memories that's all." Said Steven. "Alright but remember that you can tell me if something is wrong okay." Said Pearl. 

A few hours later

"Hey Lazuli, can you come with me for a minute, I need your help with something." Called Silvia. "Can't you get someone else to do it I'm busy right now!" Yelled Lazuli. "Oh, fine I'll get someone else to help me since you're busy reading your stupid books." Said Silvia. "Hey Blake, can you help me for a minute I already asked Lazuli, but she is "busy" right now." Called Silvia. "Fine but only because I have nothing else to do right now." Said Blake. 


"Hey Lily look I found this pretty flower in the garden, and it smells good too." Called Finn. "Wow that flower is really pretty where did you find it." Said Lily. "I found it in the third garden bed near the berries." Answered Finn. "Ok well I'm off to check on my sister." Said Lily. "Okay." Finn replied. 

Steven and Pearl return from the town with the groceries and Silvia runs towards Steven and quickly grabs him and drags him towards the warehouse to help her sort some boxes out. "Silvia, I told you already I'm not helping you with your collection of stuffed animals so go find someone else." Groaned Steven. "No one else wants to help me so you are my only option." Complained Silvia. "Pearl would probably help you out if you asked her instead of dragging me over here." Said Steven. "Just help a girl out okay." Yelled Silvia. "Fine." Sighed Steven. 

By the time Steven had finished helping Silvia with her collection the sun was setting and it was close to being time for dinner. But before everyone went inside Steven and Silvia ran over to where Lazuli was throwing a ball with Lily. "Hello, what are you two doing? Asked Silvia. "Oh hi Silvia, we were just throwing this ball around." Answered Lily. Steven threw a nasty glance at Lazuli for punching him the day before. "Hey Silvia, can you throw the ball with Lily for a minute?" Asked Lazuli. "Yeah sure." Answered Silvia. Lazuli walked over to where Steven was standing switching places with Silvia. "What do you want?' Asked Steven. "I want an apology for you calling me nasty yesterday." Said Lazuli. "What? Why you started it." Responded Steven. "Oh maybe because I already apologised to you yesterday, but I guess you're too dense to realise that!" Yelled Lazuli. Steven and Lazuli started yelling at each other hurling insults and accusations at each other. "Hey Lily catch this one!" Yelled Silvia. "I got it. The ball bounced off of Lily's head and bounced into Lazuli. I don't got it." Said Lily. She turned around to see Lazuli and Steven kissing for a second before they realised what happened and instead started attacking each other. 

"Everyone gathered inside as Pearl prepared everyone's dinner with Steven preparing the table, once dinner was ready everyone was called to the table and sat down with the people, they were comfortable with, Steven sat next to Eveline and pearl, Finn sat next to Lily who had Lazuli on her other side and Silvia, Crystal and Blake all sat next to each other. "Well, everyone, dig in." Said Pearl. Everyone began to dig into their food all smiling with pleasure at the incredible taste of Pearl's cooking. 

Once everyone was done with dinner and the dishes were clean everyone else went to bed, but Steven once again stood on the balcony wondering if the virus inside him would lay dormant for the time being or would it cause him to harm the ones, he cared for. "Hey why haven't you gone to bed yet it's almost midnight?" Asked Lazuli from behind. "I'm just wondering if I can really make a difference in anyone's life at all or if I'll just be left behind while everyone else goes off and lives their best lives." Answered Steven. "Well, what about Eveline, I mean you are the raising her despite having to manage for both your siblings and now moving into this new house." Said Lazuli. "I suppose you're right, but can I really be trustworthy with her and all the things about my past that I prefer to keep buried." Said Steven. "What are you talking about? Secrets that you prefer to keep buried, what are you hiding from me?" Asked Lazuli. 

Steven started shaking from the virus beginning to wake up and Lazuli looked concerned about his health as she was unaware of the virus living inside him. "Are you okay you look ill Steven. Do you need to go to the hospital I, I think they might let you in if it's urgent enough? Asked Lazuli. "Just go to bed Lazuli there's no need to worry about me right now just get some sleep okay." Said Steven. "Are you sure it seems like you really need some help okay I'm just concerned about you." Said Lazuli. "Why are you worried about me Lazuli for these past few days all you've done is hit me or yell at me and show no worry about my health so why the sudden change of heart!" Yelled Steven. Lazuli had a frightened look on her face not from Steven yelling at her but from him starting to go berserk with his voice becoming strange and his left eye glowing red but when he saw her face, he realised his mistake and snapped himself out of it but before he could apolgise to her she ran away to her room.  Steven stared at his hand and said to himself, "This is why no one must know about this virus because the look on her face is one, I never wanted to see again." When he turned in for the night his dreams were filled with the same shadowy figure that symbolised the virus inside him. 

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