The Annual Dance

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Steven walked out of the room he was getting ready in, in a light grey suit with a black bowtie and his hair combed. Finn was in a crimson suit with Blake standing next to him in a Black suit. Steven walked over and Finn whistled sharply. "Damn you are looking sharp big bro." Said Finn. Lily walked out in a silky dark green dress with gold lining and her hair brushed smoothly. Finn was blushing as she walked over to him and slowly looked up. "I over did it didn't I?" Lily asked. "N-No you look beautiful." Replied Finn. Steven and Blake left the two of them alone and went towards the dining room. "She looked beautiful in that dress but she's not my type." Said Blake. Steven rounded the corner and Lazuli was standing there in a silky silver dress with midnight blue lining and crescent moon earrings. Steven stood in place blushing as Blake quickly left the room. "Don't stare at me like that Steven, you're embarrassing me." Stammered Lazuli. Steven quickly looked away, his face red from embarrassment. 

Everyone met in the dining room and the majority of the group were already there talking about what they thought the dance was going to be like. The last few people to arrive were Finn and Lily, Blake who was going with Silvia, Pearl who had taken the liberty to get Eveline a nice little white dress. Steven and Lazuli were the last two to enter and Lily looked over at the two of them smiling as if she was happy to see them together. "I'm still a little confused on if I actually like Lazuli or I'm still feeling a little sorry for myself about all the stuff involving Cass." Steven thought. He shook his head as everyone folded into the provided transportation and taken to the town centre. The stepped out of the transport and walked out into the dance area. Lights were dancing around the floor and people were a plenty. Steven spotted Amor and Serena off on the side at a table with glasses containing what he presumed was wine. 

The town mayor was there in a purple suit with his mayor badge pinned to it. "To all my townsfolk and anyone who have come here on a trip and let me not forget our wonderful tournament competitors. This annual tradition is one that brings people together and allows them to dance in harmony." Announced the mayor. There was applause from everyone and the mayor after a few seconds held his hands up for silence. "Thank you everyone for coming here tonight. I truly appreciate everyone for your support, and I have to congratulate our tournament champion." Said the mayor. He scanned the crowd searching for Steven until he finally spotted him and gestured for him to come up to the stage along with Lazuli. 

Steven held onto Lazuli's hand as he went up to the stage with her. Girls in the crowd eyed Lazuli dangerously as if they were jealous of her but she paid them no mind. "Everyone look at our champion. A strapping young man with the strength of a bear and the speed of a cheetah along with being quite handsome wouldn't you say." Said the mayor. Steven side-eyed the mayor for a second but felt a squeeze on his hand from Lazuli and he kept his cool. "I would like to congratulate you on winning the tournament sir. We haven't had action like that in years sir and might I say what drama you brought with you." Congratulated the mayor. 

Steven accepted his thanks and went to leave the stage when the mayor asked who Lazuli was. "Might I ask sir who this young lady who has accompanied you up here tonight is?" Asked the mayor. "I'm Lazuli sir, I'm a friend of Steven's." Said Lazuli. "Well Lazuli I'm Mayor Brewery. Might I say you are quite the beautiful young lady, and you say that our champion hasn't already snatched you up? I'm surprised." Said Mayor Brewery. Steven snapped, he was sick of the mayors' comments and questions. "Shut up! Has anyone ever told you that all those damn questions you ask are so annoying!" Yelled Steven. 

Mayor Brewery was taken aback by Steven's random outburst of anger and swore he saw Steven's left eye turn red for a second. "You know what my boy. You are certainly feisty; I see why you were the one who was able to overcome all the other competitors." Said Mayor Brewery. Steven scowled at him and kept Lazuli behind him. "I would like to thank you for the hospitality, Mayor but it seems that we have overstayed our time up here and held the event back." Said Steven. He and Lazuli left the stage and returned back to the rest of the group. "That was so embarrassing, the way he was talking to me was so weird like he was interested in me or something, but he is an old man." Stammered Lazuli. Steven shot dagger eyes at the mayor and patted Lazuli on the shoulder. 

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