Chapter Fourteen

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if you think you’ve had too much of this life, hang on. Cause everybody hurts…everybody hurts sometime.”

All the ‘nineties’ kids were gathered in our room because it was the biggest, making plans.

“okay, so, we cant’ do anything too harsh.” Bridget says. And the boys groan, “come on guys, they’re under ten!” she defends.

“I agree with Bridget, we can’t be totally evil to them.” I say.

“how about telling them Santa isn’t real.” Kyle offers.

Ryan and some other guys laugh, “if you want your ass kicked by parents, be my guest.” Ryan says. I had to agree with him, staying away from the whole Santa deal would be for the best.

The room was quiet as we all sat to think of what we could do. “I’ve got it.” Sam says, and has everyone lean in.

His plan would be priceless.

As the night went on, everyone got what they needed and we set out to the kids’ rooms. We were each paired with someone, obviously I was with Ryan. “okay, you got the snakes?” I whisper to him, he see him nod and hand me a couple. I slip them under the covers, sure to not wake Sydney. Then we moved onto Charlies bed and completed our mission.

At about seven in the morning we heard screams. That’s what woke me up at least, Charlie was already out of bed and dressed by then, standing by the window.

I quietly slip out of bed and walk over to him, wrapping my arms around his waist. “what’s up with you and windows?” I ask.

He smiles down at me, kissing my forehead. “supposedly, since they’re open, they help you think. While if you stare at a wall your mind goes blank.”

“hmm. Interesting.”

“think the prank went well?”

“oh, I know it did.” I smile, and stand there with him, staring out the window. It was our last day here, meaning I wouldn’t be seeing the family again until January, when the wedding was.

“let’s go say goodbye to people.” I tug on Ryans hand, finally making him follow.

“fine.” He mumbles.

After I quickly change, we meet everyone down in the lobby for one last breakfast together.

“and don’t forget to text me like everyday!” Bridget orders me.

“yes ma’am!” I joke. She gives me one last ‘too tight’ of a hug and then skips off to her parents.

I turn to Ryan and wrap my arms around him, looking up into his eyes. “guess what?”

“hmm?” he replies

“Christmas music is played almost all the time for the next thirty days or so.” I say happily.

“you, of all people, like Christmas music?” he asks, not believing it for a second.

I nod my head eagerly against his chest, “it’s my weakness.” I say.

“I thought I was your weakness??” Ryan sounded hurt which made me giggle.

“you actually remembered something for once. And yes, you are, Christmas music is in close second though.”

“damn, I’ve got competition.” I laugh and lean back in his arms. He takes this as a chance to lean down and kiss me on the lips.

I pull back first, not wanting to show that much affection in front of everyone. “later.” I whisper.

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