Part 9

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October 16th
Abigail's POV:
As we arrived at LSV I was getting Maya ready to get off the bus so the girls had some space to focus on the game because I didn't want to bug them too much but Ella insisted it was fine and that Maya could stay until they did the warm up which she was so happy about so I was happy.

Me and Alessia ended up being the last 2 off the bus since we were up the back, "good thing Maya is staying longer means I get more time with you" Alessia says cheekily
I rolls my eyes and laugh "You are such a flirt"
"You love it" she says as she turns to get off the bus I laugh and gently nudge her forgetting how clumsy she is, I'm quickly reminded when I see her trip over her own feet walking in front of me, I quickly catch her before she's flies onto the floor, I help her steady herself before I burst out laughing, "wow you're really falling for me Eh"
She just blushes and we laugh as we eventually manage to get off the bus.

Once the girls are ready they head out for their warm up while me and Maya stand off to the side and watch, me talking with some of the medical team just catching up and Maya is the same as she is every time she watches a game live, completely in awe of the women in front of her. About 20 minutes later I look down to see Maya still holding my hand but still just admiring the girls which makes me smile, "you excited for the match?" I ask
"I can't wait aunty Abby they're all so cool!" She exclaims
"Don't let them hear you say that their heads won't fit through the changing room door" I say making her laugh

About 10 minutes later the girls head back to the changing rooms to get ready for the match and have their team talks so me and Maya head to our seats over at the bench and coaches area to wait for kick off. About 10 minutes later we see the teams come out and we all stand up to cheer, Maya gets up on her seat so she can see and shouts as loud as she can making baggers who we were sitting with giggle from beside us, as the girls were lined up I locked eyes with Alessia who was wearing the same gorgeous smile she always does which I can't help but smile back at I give her a little wave then get Maya to look at her and give her a wave to which Ella and Alessia both giggle and wave back, we sit back down and get ready for kick off...

It's about 2 hours later and we've just beat Brighton 4-0 at home continuing our perfect start to the league season, not only that Alessia of course continues her run off form and grabs a goal and Ella bags player of the match comfortably with 2 goals and and assist. Meanwhile I'm convinced I'm going to have to hand my niece back to my brother with no voice, I think she was shouting more than the girls on the pitch which me and baggers found to be great entertainment, Maya has taken to baggers really well and i think I've created another troublesome duo as they we messing around at half time. Once the Brighton girls were headed off to the changing rooms I took Maya down to the pitch, wanting to be respectful and let the girls shake hands and have their little chats with the opposition, as soon as we got on the pitch Maya sprinted over to Lessi and hugged her legs, "you played so good I cheated SO loud when you scored!" She excitedly told her as Alessia picked her up
"I actually think I heard you shouting, you must be my new good luck charm little one" she replied while hugging her making my heart melt instantly, she walked over to me with Maya in her arms smiling as always, "you guys were unreal, I'm so proud of you all" I exclaimed
"Well aren't you a cutie" Alessia teased and I blushed

About an hour later we were back on the bus and headed back to the training centre so we could go home, I had Maya sitting on my knees cuddled into me asleep and I was chatting to Ella, Less and Zel about anything and everything, "so where are we going for lunch tomorrow?" Zel asks
"We'll there's that new mini golf place I was thinking we could go there then go to the steakhouse next door to it?" Ella says
"Who knew you had good ideas Ella" I joked making Katie and Alessia laugh but Ella just rolled her eyes, "so what time say meet at the mini golf place at 2?" I ask and they all agree we put in the the gc so everyone else can see, the rest of the bus journey is filled with me and Alessia sneaking glances at each other in the midst of conversation and trying not to blush when we catch each other out.

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