Plumbing the Depths (Part 4)

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It's been a year now, and Mattie still is too hard to crack. He just won't let me in. We live in one house, in one room, but he sleeps on the couch or at the study or at my room. Is this how terrible I am? I'm doing everything I can to please him. I stood away from Kate just like he wanted, I wait for him every basketball practice even if he forgets me sometimes, I cook his lunch and visit him every break time, but why Mattie isn't responding to all this gestures. I'm getting exhausted. But I love him, and I still won't give up.

"Well, you look tired, do you want to eat something? We can ask ate Reese to cook them for you."

"A, can you please give me time alone."

"Why? What's wrong?"

"Can you please give me space for a while."

"Aren't I giving you enough space Mattie?"

"NO, you're always all over me all the time. It's exhausting"

"Are you forgetting something Mattie? I'm your wife?!"

"On paper. Because our parents want to. How about this, do your part and I'll do mine. If you want out, please do sign the divorce papers before we go to college."

"So what? So, you can go to Kate again?"

"Yes, I will grab her and get out of here. Away from you and away from this family. Is that settled then?"

Kate! It always boils down to Kate

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Kate! It always boils down to Kate. "What does she have that I don't have Mat? Please tell me. I'm doing everything for you! You think I don't know that you're still helping her out?" He cut me off and slammed the door. And I cried and cried. Why am I always crying since we were married. This is not what I have in mind.


"I'm getting weary and exhausted, B. I have done so much for him and yet it seems that it's not enough. I did everything for him, every effort I did was all for him. I know he's missing so much from work during this summer because he keeps seeing her. And I don't really know who the hell told him where Kate is." Have you ever felt so much disappointment that seeing the person you care about hurts you the most? I never thought that of all people, Matt will be the person whose gonna make my life miserable. All my life, I have never dreamt of an entire fairytale without him in it. Why is it so hard to just have him once. Every social gatherings, he's presently here but it's like he's somewhere else, thinking about other things rather than enjoying the company of friends and family. JUst siting on the couch and can't even forge a little smile on his face. Bubblegum on the other hand was ranting a lot that I have forgotten the decency to listen to her advices.

"How about I really end it?". There was total silence on the other end of the phone. It's the silence of empathy, of feeling sorry for her friend. I knew how that felt.

"You sure about it?" There's a crack in her voice like she's about to cry. And finally, I said "Yes" that answer took me an entire breath to say. I never surrendered my entire life, because I always win in these types of situations. BUt it seems all my planning and late-night thoughts intoxicated the entire relationship and maybe Matt was right, I might be a bit too much already.

"If you really are certain about that A, then let's have it. But I have to tell you on this one, okay? There's no turning back, you can't change your mind. Divorce is a very tedious process, and it eats all your energy. Believe me, I've seen mom battled emotionally." Oh yes, I remember now, Bubblegum's parents were divorced too when she was 9. Funny to think about it if who's the third party, me or Kate. I've always thought about it, maybe it was me. I forced myself in this situation no matter how bad it is from the very beginning. Kate and Matt should've been okay if i did not insist on budging in the entire scene. Now everything flashed in my head, and I remember the horror this might be for Matt and Kate. They should thank me though; without my awfulness they won't figure out how much they really love each other.

"I need your help on how to make the divorce work, especially with our parents." Thinking about tita Rose and Uncle Jaime and there's my dad too. How are they going to react when they find this out? That we haven't met their expectations. That I lose over Kate. I remembered the last time tita Rose called, she told me to stay stronger and push harder but I guess, there are things you can't fight for especially when you know you can't win by hitting different angles. This is a game like the reality show Storage Wars, you need to risk what you have for expectation, and you bid the highest but unfortunately profited the least. I was shaken by Bubblegum's words. "What did you say?". She looked at me with an exciting strike of notion and it is all written in her face. "B*tch, I said, Matt needs to hate you more". Did I hear it right? What in the world is Bubblegum suggesting now. "You know B, he hates me already and now you want him to hate me more?". And she did a very big nod. "YESSSS!!!"

"You have to be the "baddest" wife in school and that will force Matt to file the divorce and tell your parents. He's going to rebel against them and still, you will have a fighter wife image. You still have rights you know". Bubblegum's head really thinks differently. I admit all my friends are crazy and this is one of the reasons why they are. "So, I just have to be more of an a**hole?" I really don't want to be more of who Matt thinks I am now, but it's for him anyway, so he can have the freedom he asked for. "Okay fine, let's do this!"

Well, I have to say sorry to Mattie and Kate for now. But one day, they will realize I did a great job of putting them back together.

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