1. Thinkin' Bout You

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Here I was on my second blind date. I was over it. They were all the same stuffy straight edged guys that my grandmother continued to set me up with because in her own ways she believed women needed value from a man. I internally rolled my eyes at this man in front of me. He bragged about senseless things and only talked about himself. I chimed in every now and again, hoping for this to be over. As he is speaking, the waiter comes over and whisper in my ear. "The gentleman at the bar, sends you another drink and an invitation to join him." I look to the bar to see a tall god like brown skinned man. Dressed in all black, sleeves of his dress shirt rolled up, all of his tattoos on display. He had gorgeous hazel eyes, full lips and an aura the read dominance and power. The way he looked at me made my pussy tingle and my stomach to erupt in butterflies. He was the kind of man my grandmother would never approve of.

"Send my thanks and tell him, I respectfully decline." I whisper back. Looking back to my date in front of me, I smile sweetly. "Friend of yours?" He asked. "Yes, just a business affair I have to tend to later." I said dismissing the question. As the date came to a close, I let him pay and walk me out to my car. As we wait for valet, out steps the god like man beside us. We lock eyes for a second and at that point I could feel myself began to drop from his stare alone. I shifted my stance, squeezing my thighs together. I saw a smirk appear on his face as all 3 of our vehicles are pulled in front of the door. "A presto piccolo girasole. (See you soon, little sunflower.) I'm too stunned to speak. He walked away and climbed into the back of a black SUV and just like that he was gone. "Everything okay?" I heard as my date whose name I can't remember reminds me he's still here. I nod and climb into my car, gave my goodnight and pulled off.

               +++ 2 weeks later+++


"Whatever happened with chick you saw with Saleem corny ass." My best friend Malik asked me. I ignored him as I continued to long to emails and accept meetings. "Earth to Sunny." He said, no longer able to stand the silence, aside from the low hum of a small response. "Bro are you really going out like that?" He asked. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. "What do you want Malik?" I asked with an eyebrow raised. He shook his head as he downed the shot of whiskey in his glass. "You had me dig into this girl's life for what?" He asked. I was getting annoyed with his constant digging but he's one of the best at finding what people don't want to be found which is why he works for me. "I mean you're one of the richest bachelors in the world and get unlimited attention so why the strong interest in this one?" He asked. It was the defiance in her eyes. She was not in the least bit interested in any of the dates she'd been set up on and she showed it. I couldn't tell him that. "I have my reasons." I simply answered knowing he'd leave it alone. He placed the glass upside down on the bar. "I hear you man." He replied dropping it. "Just make sure you're on time for the gala Saturday." He said before tossing a quick wave over his shoulder and walked out of the office.

I picked up the file on my desk. November Jones. Granddaughter of the illustrious Lucas and Delilah Jones. Founder of Jones Technologies and The Breakthrough Academy. She is an only child. Her parents died in a car crash when she was 10. She graduated top of her class from the Academy. Top of her class in university, all while starting her own successful company by the time she graduated. Sunflower Cove. I smiled at the name. Warmth spreading through me at the thought of her remembering me. We'd only spoken once and briefly years ago but it sat with me.

I was pulled from my thoughts as my office door opened to reveal one of my many indignations. I sigh and watch as she tries to put on her sexiest walk. "What are you doing here Cherry?" I asked putting away the file. "I'm here to report." She said innocently. We used to fuck around but she wanted more and I didn't see more with her. "Soo. Report." I replied, uninterested. "Why are you so cold towards me Sunny? It's me of all people." She said looking slightly hurt and annoyed. "We wanted different things Cherry." I replied. She folded her arms. "How is that Sunday? I am dedicated to you and this organization. I always have been. I've always been here." She defended. I sigh and ran a hand along her my beard. "Exactly. You're loyal to the organization. I need something that's separate from work. I need something outside of what causes stress. You are apart of that stress." I said seriously. Hoping she finally understood. She scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Have a good fucking night Sunday." She said before storming out of my office.

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