Chapter 20|Millie| |🔸|

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Millie First Person P

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Millie First Person P.O.V
I sat on a stool as I watched the screen in front of me, which was split in two and showed coding for two different Animatronic's. I knew exactly what these codes where for and who they belonged to.

I had been experimenting with agony and a chaotic but surprisingly stable energy in a attempt to create a new ability for a Animatronic. The ability for a Animatronic child to grow like a human child would.

I had been distraught the first few times I failed, I was technically playing with my child's life here essentially and I grieved the four different versions of my kids I never got to meet. I had decided to create two, which every time I had spliced the coding had been one male and one female.

I sighed as I looked over at the Animatronic bodies I had created, which were hooked up to several wires and cables, I hope this time it works, I don't know if my heart can take it if it fails again.

I looked up as I heard footsteps, I watched as Funtime Foxy walked into the room and crouched in front of the bodies of our kids. "Their so small, smaller then B.B I think" She whispered before turning to look at me. I inwardly agreed, I had built them small on purpose, they were meant to be little kids after all.

"Do you think it will work this time?" Funtime Foxy asked, standing up and walking over to me and peering at the screen.

"I don't know" I said with a soft sigh, I was trying not to show it but having to watch what was essentially my kids die four times over was mentally draining, and if it failed again I probably would leave the project sitting for several months to grieve before even looking at it again.

My heart broke into fragments as I heard the beep of a warning, signifying that it had failed again. I didn't even bother looking at the screen before walking over to my kids and disconnecting the main wire -which was supplying the energy- and cuddling them close to my chest, sobbing quietly as I grieved.

It didn't even cross my mind that the warning beep had been for a entirety different reason until I felt something move against my chest.

My eyes flew open wide as a small squeak echoed through the room. Tears brimming over as I gently loosened my arms and met the eyes of my son. My sobs were of joy now as I gently pressed him against me, not even daring to believe that this was more then a dream.

A second squeak rang out as my daughter made it clear she was pissed that I was giving her brother attention but not her.

I cuddled them both close to my chest and looked over at Funtime Foxy, i meet her eyes and gently beckoned for her to come over.

Oily tears started streaming down Funtime Foxy's face as she crouched beside me and met my eyes, barely believing this was real but wanting to so badly.

Our son wriggled away from me and flopped onto Funtime Foxy's lap, rubbing against her somewhat and letting at the cutest, tiniest purr I have ever heard. 

"Its real" Funtime Foxy breathed, meeting my eyes. I smiled, tears still streaming down my cheeks.

"It is" I whispered back, wrapping one arm around Funtime Foxy's shoulder.

"What are we going to name them" Funtime Foxy said, sounding reluctant to break the happy silence. I didn't need to think, I already had the names in my head.

"Cosmo and Starlight.


Smoll floofy filler chapter! ✨❤✨
didn't plan on this being so short but it just happened.

Hope you enjoyed and see you Honey Kittens in the next chapter.

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