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leyra and neteyam slept peacefully holding one another; they didn't realise how long they'd been gone but then again they weren't awake to realise that.

neteyam's big body protectively held leyra's as she was sound asleep, he jolted awake fast but concentrated on the beauty of his mate.

" ma'teyam?" she breathed out, still dazy in a dream.

"ley, i'm right here, right here." he soothed, kissing her forehead.

she slowly stirred out of her sleep, face turning red as she remembered her boldness with him last night.

"morning." she giggled.

"morning, we should head back, they've definitely noticed that we're gone." he became more stern.


"i love you ley." he paused to focus on her.

"i love you too, but- we can't tell anyone."

"yeah." he bit the inside of his cheek.

"not for now, not when me and tua'tey is zaem's main mission right now, i will sort it out and delay any chance of us mating, i'll do anything."

"and for us? what will we do?"

"we will come back here; and enjoy the night."

neteyam smirked as he called his ilu and jumped on it, leyra did the same but with a bit more grace, none the less she was proud of his achievements.

"neteyam. no matter what happens; we're together okay, i protect you with my life."

"and i'll protect you with my life, i promise no war will come; nothing bad will happen." he held her hand but separated sadly as they both went their separate ways back home.

neteyam arrived first, he bashfully entered his home; straight to his own room to try to avoid his parents questions.

"boy!" jake shouted, neteyam pretended to ignore him and get to sleep.

"neteyam sully." he seethed out,

"yes sir." he groaned.

"where the hell were you last night you had me and your mother worried sick!"

"dad i'm 18."

"oh so now you want to act like an adult?"

"i was just at the sea, swimming."


"it's calming; helps me to forget the bad things that have happened to us." he shrugged; in reality the sea stood for leyra as she was his peace, she was the one that made him feel safe again.

"oh my son." neytiri cooed,
"eywa will protect us okay?"

neteyam nodded, not responding to either as he went back to his bedroom; angry at the world for not allowing him and leyra to be openly together.

leyra quickly hopped off her ilu and went back inside her homestead.

"where the hell were you?!" zaem boomed crashing into her bedroom;

she quickly covered up herself.

"hey! i'm changing!"

"oh, s-sorry!" he dramatically left the place as she changed out of last nights clothes; she giggled as she remembered neteyam.

"i went to see mother." she lied.


"zaem you leave your sister alone." her father spat.

"tua'tey's waiting." he scoffed.
"come on; he'll like this outfit trust me."

leyra looked embarrassed, she walked out looking for neteyam with her eyes, he caught her and she did a small twirl in the skirt she was wearing; giving him a tiny wink.

thankfully the two didn't notice, but ao'nung did.

"my mate." tua'tey smiled.

"i'm just leyra for now tua'tey." she smiled back, her body flinching when he tried to touch her.

"leyra." zaem grumbled.

tua'tey forcefully brought her close and brutally pushed her head up forcing her into a kiss. 

leyra shook her head pushing away from him.

"no, no please don't do that." she cried, tua'tey only laughing, she missed neteyam and his softness.

"oi, tua'tey!" she heard an angry voice behind her, her heart swelled knowing it was neteyam.

"don't you know you can't forcefully try and mate a girl?" he seethed to his face.

"don't you know how to mind your own business?" he scoffed.

"well i would if you wouldn't man handle a girl and force her to kiss you in the middle of the island."

"oh bullshit, she wanted it!"

kiri and tsireya came behind leyra and pulled her away from the conflict.

"kiri!" she hugged her, tsireya joining in as the three girls giggled with one another.

"so you and lo'ak." leyra smiled.

"he's so sweet guys! i know i know kiri he's your brother but he's so cute." she gushed.

"yeah and roxto is quite sweet."

"you're with roxto!" leyra squealed.

"shut up! and yeah."

"i missed so much guys."

"what about you, who's that tua'tey that neteyam is literally going to be killed by." kiri laughed as leyra worriedly shot her head to neteyam.

she instinctively grabbed her spear from her home stead, ran and pushed tua'tey away from him.

she beared her teeth as she jerked her spear towards him.

"ma'teyam." she whispered checking his body for any bruises, she shook him, but no reponse was given.

"tua'tey!" she angrily screamed.

"what? scared the forest boy is out of it?"

"ma'teyam, ma'teyam." she repeated like a prayer, making small chants and prayers around his body.

"let go of him." zaem grumbled trying to pick neteyam's unresponsive body up; leyra was secretly angry that he pick a fight with a man obviously much older and experienced in fights than him.

the rest of the sully's came out to see all the commotion neytiri looking concerned at her son, but even more concerned by leyra's behaviour to the others trying to hurt him.

it reminded her of jake and tsu'tey and how she protected him.

neteyam quickly got himself up,

"ley, i'm alright, no need for all the-"

"you! do not force yourself upon another!" she snarled at him, a new found confidence coming upon her.

"leyra." neteyam held her shoulder to calm her down; she instantly turned to face him and smile.

so much for not making it obvious he thought.

"you?" tua'tey snarled at neteyam.

neteyam grumbling back.

"have you mated with this woman?"

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