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Queen: daki
Poison: gyutaro
Thunder: kaigaku
Narcissist: gyokku
Nakime: pretty
Hantengu: hantengu
Tsundere: akaza
Elsa: douma
Six eyes: kokushibo
Muzan-sama: muzan



Muzun-sama: wake up you idiots

Six eyes: yes master

Queen: kinky

Tsundere: daki wtf

Pretty: i agree with akaza daki wtf

Queen: -_-


Thunder: how are you this energetic it's 7 pm

Poison: you'll get used to it :/

Elsa: guys this woman in my cult keeps on flirting with me

Elsa: she just came into my room and said sorry i thought this was my room

Elsa: like

Elsa: tge door to my room is way more fancy and way bigger how does this bitch think this was her room :|

Elsa: ...

Elsa: okay any thoughts on what i should do? :]

Muzan-sama: wtf

Tsundere: ...

Pretty: someone's jealous

Tsundere: shut up nakime

Queen: anyways

Queen: seduce her and then when you're alone kill her

Six eyes: or you could just kill her without the seducing

Elsa: i think I'll go with kokushibo-sans answer

Muzan-sama: OMG SHIRT UP

Muzan-sama: SHUT*

Muzan-sama: if anyone corrected me i will kill you

Pretty has deleted a message

Muzan-sama: nakime how dare you.

Tsundere: also aren't you the one who told us to come online

Muzan-sama: oh

Muzan-sama: yeah there's a meeting in 5 minutes

Elsa: oh shit I'm in the middle of killing a women

Tsundere: first of all i hate you

Elsa: love you too :,)

Tsundere: ...

Tsundere: second of all your texting and killing a women

Elsa: yup!!!

In real time

Everyone hears a biwa noise

Nakime: muzan-sama is here


Muzan: ahem

Everyone kneels down

After the meeting cause i don't want to write that shit

Douma: I HAVE AN IDEA!!!

Kokushibo: yes?

Douma: do you guys want to visit my cult!!!

Daki: sure :D

Gyutaro: okay

Uppermoons: okay


Headcannon of the week
daki always does pinterest eyeshadow looks with a lot of glitter and all that looks very good on nakime's eye so she doesn't feel very insecure

Hope you all have a great day/night/evening/afternoon whatever time it is for you :)

Hope you all have a great day/night/evening/afternoon whatever time it is for you :)

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Words: 359

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