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Guess who's back
Back again :)

Also I'm removing the ship kaigyu cause well i don't like it much anymore heh...


Muzan-sama: muzan
Kokupuffs: kokushibo
Manwhore: douma
Zebra lookin motherfucker: akaza
Moodybitch: hantengu
One eyed bitch: nakime
Narcissist: gyokku
Stick: gyutaro
Pain in the ass: daki
Asshole: kaigaku


Blind fr: gyomei
Pomeranian: sanemi
Who are you?: muichiro
Simp: obanai
Got like 5 friends: giyuu
UMAI: rengoku
Mochi: mitsuri
Flamboyant bitch: uzui
A bitch: shinobu


The dead one: yoriichi
Feisty mf: sabito




° October 9th °

No <3

Mochi: hey guys so I've been thinking and... My estate is definitely not big enough for all of us..

One eyed bitch: we could have it at the infinity castle...?

Kokupuffs: but we can't say where the infinity castle is yet that comes later in the anime

Manwhore: okay koku-san no more breaking the third wall :>

Muzan-sama: douma don't you have like a shit ton of estates can't we use one of them

Manwhore: hmm... I suppose we can that would be a good idea!

A bitch: well then the address...?

Manwhore: oh yes one moment it's..


Kokupuffs: ain't that just a bunch of X's

Muzan-sama: you break the wall once more I'm turning douma to upper 1 for a week

Kokupuffs is offline

A bitch: wait why the hell is this my name!?

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