Chapter 5: Family of Wind and Fire

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"Eyes as blue as the azure sky...that is the symbol of The Contractor"
"Nevermore was created as a safe haven for our children to learn and to grow, no matter who or what they are. I realize most of you have heard about the unfortunate incident involving one of our students. But I'm happy to report that Eugene is on the mend and is expected to make a full recovery. So let's focus on the positive and make this Parents' Weekend our very best yet."

As Weems finishes her speech the crowd of parents and students applauded seemingly having their concerns alleviated for the time being. Unfortunately for her though three students weren't buying her twisted words and truths for even a second as they stood together watching her. Wednesday, Enid and Y/N.

"On the mend my ass." Y/N scoffed as he stood Wednesday and Enid

"Try in a coma." Wednesday said.

"Have you guys been to see him? You're his friends." Enid said and turned to Wednesday and Y/N

"I have and I've been trying to convince Wednesday but--" Y/N tries to finish but Wednesday cuts him off "But I'm the reason he's in the hospital" She says and Y/N turns in her direction.

"Don't you dare think that none of this is your fault, it's that damn monster's. It's been quiet this week though, maybe we scared it off."

"Or maybe it went into hiding to avoid this weekend." Wednesday says before two crossing winds wrap themselves around Y/N one of them a more jumbled and less chilling version of Wednesday's and the other a strange yet singing heat that felt almost...familiar. Y/N quickly shakes the strange feeling out of his mind for now and looks at Wednesday.

"If the winds are anything to go by I'd say your family's close by Addams." Y/N says, and Wednesday scans the room eventually spotting them as they walk into the courtyard.

"I knew I should have worn my plague mask." She says and Y/N chuckles

"Would you look at my family? Enid says, they look over to them running around and leaping about like wild dogs. "Talk about toxic pack mentality. I give my mom 30 seconds before her judge-y claws come out." Enid says before taking a deep breath "Let's get this over with." Enid says before walking towards her family leaving Y/N and Wednesday to themselves, she glances at the boy slightly curious.

"What of your family Yagami are they here as well?" She asks and Y/N shrugs casually

"That would require having a family to come here in the first place, It's a bit complicated but for simplicities sake let's just say I don't have one anymore." He says and Wednesday stares at him for a moment before she nods. "Although I can't wait to meet your family Wednesday." He says excitedly and Wednesday immediately stared daggers into him

"Absolutely not."

"Oh come on why not? they seem nice and I'm sure they'd love me." He says flashing his signature pure, contagious, and idiotic smile much to Wednesday's annoyance

"Your carefree and idiotic nature combined with their dismay and annoyance is exactly why, I'd much rather be subjected to the most gruesome of tortures than have to deal with all of that." She fired coldly but Y/N was having none of it.

"I'm sure it'll be fine." Y/N takes a step forwards and Wednesday roughly grabbed him by the collar before yanking him down to her level staring what could only be described as the essence of death itself into his eyes.

"I.Said.No." She says, and before Y/N can say anything else, her family spots Wednesday holding him by the collar and so close to her.

"There she is. Oh, how we missed those accusing eyes and youthful sneer." A voice calls out, Y/N and Wednesday turn to the origin of the voice and see her family approaching them. "Oh, are we interrupting something?" Wednesday quickly pushes Y/N off knocking him to the ground and the first to hug Wednesday was Gomez, a slightly short and ample Hispanic man. He hugs Wednesday who seems as irked as usual but lets him anyways. "And you must me be one of Wednesday's new friends," Gomez says to Y/N who quickly gets back to his feet and turns his attention to the man, he feels a dark and killer wind wrap itself around him as Wednesday glares at him.

The Contractor (Wednesday Addams x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now