♪ 06: Melody ♪

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All his life, Aahil found the gym bros insufferable. That was until he incorporated gym time into his own schedule. Work-out works wonders when you have lots on your mind and for the better or the worse, he almost always had shit to sort through in his mind. That stabilized his workout routine. It made him sweat it out, and he got a nice body in return, not too ripped, in moderation, just the right amount of muscles he preferred—a win-win.

"Don't slack, bud!" Umair, his instructor shouted from the other side of the room. Aahil rolled his eyes but did as he was told, putting his concentration back on the ellipticals.

"You seem lost."

He didn't grace this comment with a reply. Mahad shrugged his shoulders as he started with his pull-up routine. "The family drama still going strong?"

"None of your business, Lashari."

Mahad lips pulled into a smirk. Aahil knew he wouldn't like what was coming his way.

"Tell that to your grandmother."

Aahil wanted to sigh aloud. All his annoyance with the guy aside, Aahil had to admit that Mahad was a charmer whenever he wanted to be and ladies always gave in to that. His grandmother loved Mahad the most out of his friends' group. That would explain why Mahad was always up-to-date with the shitshow of his life. One more reason for Aahil to be wary of the guy.

"How much did she tell you?"

"The gist. But she specifically emphasized that she hated seeing her grandson shirtless in the company of bikini-clad goris, her words, not mine."

Aahil felt a small smile reaching his lips but he wouldn't give Mahad the satisfaction. "Yeah, something like that. You'd be a stinky-ass hypocrite if you nodded along when you are no goody-two-shoes yourself."

Mahad raised his hand. "Now, I don't talk back to elders. I still just stand and nod along when my grandfather is in the mood for a lecture."

"And this is how you woo the ladies? With your pseudo-mannerism?"

"I know your game got rusted in the past couple of years but don't expect me to give you the pointers now."

Aahil sat down, wiping his face with the towel and taking huge gulps from his water bottle. Sweat covered his tank top and shone on his forehead but that was the telltale sign of a damn good workout. He already felt light.

"Osama and Lina ran into each other."

Mahad's tone suddenly took a somber turn. Aahil gave him a confused look. "They are freaking adults, Lashari. What—"

"Yes, I know why your last relationship was a glorious fuckup. Don't make it obvious. With their history, their facing each other is never a good thing. Osama gave her something. A book maybe? But Lina was so lost after that and then to make things worse, her mother was already at her place when I dropped her home."

"And let me guess, you ran from there as if your ass was on fire."

Mahad glared at him. "Mahwish Asfandyar is a walking talking matchmaker for her daughter. I love Lina but I can't stand that woman."

Aahil could agree with that. "Makes sense."

"Yes! Totally. All I'm saying is, I've got Lina and you've got Sam. Do we have a deal?"

"Don't freaking make it look like we are a team of sorts. I might love my gym routine but I'm not particularly fond of your face."

"You've always been envious of my face card. Makes complete sense why do you hate it."

"Dream on, pretty boy."

Saying that Aahil got up but Mahad wasn't still finished.

"The new Jatoi couple is to go public on Asfar Naqvi's wedding."

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