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Deans POV

Getting to the bunker Karmin runs inside slamming the door behind her I slight loudly"I'm trying Sam I really am but I don't know how much more of this attitude I can take"

"I know I'm surprised you lasted this long"he chuckles

"She's hurting, we are both in the same situation"I say grabbing a box going
Inside"do you need help unpacking?"I ask Karmin

"Sure"she sighs unpacking some clothes from boxes hanging them up. After everything is unpacked and she gets settled we all have pizza for dinner and eat as a family.

Karmins POV

I have already snagged dads keys off of the wall to take his impala and leave as everyone is turning in for the night. I sneak out of my room going to the front door, turns out theirs a dead bolt on the door making it impossible for me to get it open "shit"I whisper yell

Dean walks up quietly behind her, grabbing her wrist and turning her around "what do you think your doing?"he asks

"Uh... we'll nothing now"she sighs handing him his keys.

"Karmin!"he roars grabbing my upper arm landing multiple smacks on my butt.

"Ow ow ow okay!"I scream blocking my butt"I didn't even leave!"

He stops but doesn't let go of my arm"correction, you got caught"

"Got caught because you out a stupid dead bolt on the door!"I sigh

"News flash kid, your not gonna be able to sneak out here"he say in a strict tone, I huff and gross my arms."get back in that bed. Or do you want to continue fighting and get spanked?"

"Whatever"I walk over to my room slamming my door shut laying in my bed. He comes in my room sitting on my bed

"What's wrong? Why did you try to leave?"he asks

"I was gonna go to moms house. I don't wanna be here"she sniffles

He sighs"I'm sorry but this is for the best. I love you"with that he gets up to walk out

"Why did you leave mom?"I ask before he can get the chance to walk out

"We didn't work out"he sighs sadly

"So you left me in the process?"she shouts

"I didn't leave you baby"he says shocked"I tried to take you but your mom didn't want you going back and forth" I sigh laying back "I'll never leave you"he says"get some sleep"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2023 ⏰

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