Final Chapter

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During the time Moby and Coral were staying at the Lookout, Moby decided to hang out with Champ and listen to the music the little pup had on his laptop.

Moby:This is way better than the songs back in Puplantis.


???:Looks like you two are having fun.

Moby and Champ saw that Matthew had come over.

Moby:Hey Matt.

Champ:What brings you in here?

Matthew:I just wanted to check on you two.

Moby:How is everything going with my vehicle?

Matthew:We should be done by tomorrow.

Moby:Oh, thanks for telling me.

Matthew then walked outside.

Moby:That didn't take long.


Moby: What's wrong buddy?

Champ:Well, once you leave, I won't have anyone to hang out with.

Moby:Yes you will, you still have Matt.

Champ:I guess...

Moby:You will always be able to call me if you need anything.

Champ:(Chuckles) You're a good friend, Moby.

Coral then came in.

Coral:I assume Matthew has already told you about tomorrow?

Moby:Are you ready to go?

Coral:I sure am, I can't wait to see how beautiful the world really is.

Champ: During your travels, you should go visit BarkingBurg.

Coral:What kind of place is it?

Champ:It is a beautiful Kingdom, I think the Princess would like to know that Moby is Gloria's son, she has some knowledge about the champions.


Coral: Hopefully no big mission comes up and we have to interrupt our trip.

Moby:If I get to see Champ and Matthew again, I don't mind.

Champ: I'm gonna miss you two.

Coral then laid down next to Champ.

Coral:The Paw Patrol is gonna do just fine with you and Matthew around.

Moby:You two make a pretty good team.

Chase then walked into the Lookout.

Chase:You guys should join us!

Moby:What do you say, Champ?

Champ: Okay!

As the pups started playing around, Matthew was on top of the Lookout.

Matthew:(I really hope that the other champions didn't have any kids that I might have to deal with.)

Matthew:(It's gonna be sad to see Moby and Coral leave, but I know they will return, then Moby will finally be ready to start his studies and learn to become a respectable King.)

During the night, Moby and Coral were sleeping inside the Lookout. Champ had shrunk down and fell asleep on Moby's back. Meanwhile, Matthew was hanging out with Chase in the German Shepherd's puphouse.

Chase:So, how do you think you're gonna handle tomorrow?

Matthew:With a bright smile on my face knowing that Moby will one day make Gloria's dream a reality.

A Paw Patrol Story 6:The Call To Puplantis Where stories live. Discover now