Trip to Z-Tech

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Zevon's mind raced as they nade their way to Z-Tech. How could this have happened? And what had happened at the cheer pavillion? Was everyone alright? Would Kenzie be alright?

"Grandpa?" Kenzie sniffled, snapping him from his thoughts. "Are Mommy and Daddy okay?"

Zevon sighed. "I don't know princess. But Ms. Zinnia is going to call as soon as she finds out. Okay?"

"Okay." Kenzie replied quietly, staring at the purple veins protruding from her arms. "Why do my arms look funny?"

Zevon shifted nervously as he tried to figure out the best way to explain it. "Its something that's happens to zombies sometimes. When we get to the doctor they'll tell us what we need to do to make it stop."

"It feels funny." Kenzie admitted, wiggling her fingers.

"Its only temporary." Zevon assured her. Though it might have been more to reassure himself as they turned into the Z-Tech parking lot.

Zevon parked his truck and got out. He opened the door and unbuckled Kenzie from her seat before lifting her out. The two of them made their way into Z-Tech and straight to the lady at the front desk.

"My granddaughter needs to see a doctor right away." Zevon told her. "Its an emergency."

The lady stared at him blankly. "Do you you have an appointment?"

Zevon glared at the woman and held out one of Kenzie's arms for her to see. "Do you see this? She needs a doctor, now."

The woman stared at Kenzie's arm fearfully and backed away. "I-I'll get a doctor right away."

The woman scurried off and Zevon shook his head in disgust. "Unbelievable."

Seconds later Dr. Hazel came hurrying out of the back. "I heard we have a bit of a situation out here."

Zevon nodded. "We do. Kenzie has developed some enlarged and discolored veins."

Dr. Hazel walked over and examined Kenzie's arms, a look of concern flashing across her face. "I see. Well let's go back to a room and I'll take a closer look."

Zevon and Kenzie followed Dr. Hazel back to a room. Zevon sat Kenzie down on the table. He stood beside her as Dr. Hazel began to examine her arms.

"When did this start?"

"About 20 minutes ago." Zevon answered. "I was talking to Zinnia on the phone and I heard Kenzie getting upset in the background. Next thing I knew Zinnia was telling me to come over right away. I came as fast as I could and when I arrived she was like this."

"I see." Dr. Hazel nodded, turning to Kenzie. "How are you feeling sweetie?"

"My arms feel funny." Kenzie replied.

"Funny how?" Dr. Hazel asked.

Kenzie shrugged. "I don't know. Just funny."

"Alright." Dr. Hazel smiled softly. "Would it be okay if your grandpa and I went outside to talk? We'll only be a few minutes."

Kenzie nodded. "Okay."

Zevon kissed her on the head. "You're being so brave and I am so proud of you. We'll be right back."

The two of them left the room, leaving her alone. Kenzie laid down on the table and held her arms up to the light, studying them. What was wrong with her arms? Why did they feel funny? And where were Mommy and Daddy?

Tears pooled in Kenzie's eyes. She wanted her Mommy and Daddy. She wanted to go home. She wanted the funny purple lines on her arms to go away. A loud sob escaped her lips and the funny feeling moved to her neck and legs. Kenzie glanced at her legs then squeezed her eyes shut. The purple lines were there too. She sobbed harder as fear crept in.

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