Chapter 3

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Long columns of the droid army move toward the capital city of Naboo, Theed.

As they made their way through the streets of Theed, Queen Amidala watches through a window in the palace.

Marcy walked up to her, lowering her hood as she looked worridly outside.

While they were looking out the window, a transport carrying Nute Gunray and Daultay Dofine landed in the Theed Plaza.

The door opened and the two walked out.

"Viceroy, we have captured the Queen," OOM-9 informed him.

"Ah, victory!" Nute Gunray cheered before the two walked toward the palace.


The little sub continues to propel itself toward the surface, which is brightly lit.

The sub broke the surface of Naboo lake, causing the swans nearby to fly off.

"Mmm, dis'n loverly," Jar Jar commented.

Obi-Wan pressed a button, causing the roof to disappear.

Anne stood up, looking around the surrounding area in awe. "Won't, mama. This place be popping," she said.

At the same time, Qui-Gon stood up, checking to see if the coast was clear.


Inside the palace, Queen Amidala, Marcy Wu (who had her hood on now), Sio Bibble, and five of her handmaidens (Eirtar, Yane, Padmè, Rabe, and Sache) are surrounded by half a dozen droids.
Along with them were Captain Panaka and four Naboo guards.

They were being led down a set of stairs to the main floor, with Nute Gunray and Daultay Dofine with them.

"... How will you explain this invasion to the Senate?" Sio Bibble questioned.

"The Queen and I will sign a treaty that will legitimize our occupation here. I assurances it will be ratified by the Senate," Nute Gunray explained.

"I will not cooperate," Queen Amidala responded.

"Now, now, your Highness. In time, the suffering of your people will persuade you to see our point of view," Nute Gunray said as the reached the bottom of the set of stairs, where OOM-9 was waiting for them.


"Yes, sir?" OOM-9 asked.

"Process them," Nute Gunray informed.

OOM-9 turns to his sergeant. "Captain, take them to Camp Four," he said.

"Roger, roger," the sergeant responded.

The sergeant marches the group down the rest of the stairs. As they were walking down the stairs, Marcy looked back to Nute Gunray, who was looking at her with interest.

Marcy looked away, pulling her hood more over her face.


Queen Amidala, Marcy Wu, Padmè, Yane, Rabe, Sache, Captain Panaka, Sio Bibble, and four Naboo Guards were led out of the palace by ten battle droids.

The plaza was filled with tanks and battle droids, which they pass on their way to the detention camp.

They also pass by other groups that were being led to different camps.

Unbeknownst to them, Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, Anne, and Jar Jar were sneaking across a walkway.

Qui-Gon noticed the Queen and her group being led away.

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