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"Leopardfrost, lead a patrol to gather the strongest bambles, lilysprout, rumbleheart , falconscreech, honeydrop, and puddlestep to weave thorny stems in the wall of the nursery and elders den." Panthershade ordered. "Crackelflame take rowanpath, dawnfall, and Goldenpaw on a patrol across the darkclan border, if a darkclan warrior sets a paw on our territory I won't to know. The rest of you go hunting we need as much freakish kill as we can get." Panthershade joined leopardfrost's patrol as the rest of the clan split up.

She flanked her sister as the lead the patrol out of camp. Panthershade spotted a large ramble thicket near the path. She flicked her tail toward it and the patrol instantly followed. Leopardfrost wiggled underneath the sharp thorns and gnawed at the stem of the Bush. After a few heartbeats it came loose and the cats drug it back to camp.

Panthershade shoved the brambles into the rest and began weaving the longest branches tightly together, and the others did the same. When finished she swiped a paw at the barrier but it only swayed. "It'll hold get some more." She meowed over her shoulder as she padded back into camp.

She had gone along only to see if the brambles would be strong enough. She had been up since midnight and her paws were heavy with exhaustion. She padded toward the freash kill pile, which was nearly empty. She grabbed a squirrel off the top and padded toward the medicine cats den.

She pushed her way inside and spotted Featherwind scrambling around his den. "We need horse tail but I haven't seen any lately, and juniper berries, Creekpaw go find as much as you can." Featherwind was meowing as he paced. Creekpaw rushed out nearly knocking her over."Sorry panthershade!" He meowed frantically.

"It's alright, I brought you something to eat." She mumbled around the squirrel.

Featherwind turned to her and Creekpaw padded away. "Thank you I haven't had time to eat lately, unlike Creekpaw who seems to always stuff his face when there is work to be done." He purred with amusement.

Then his face grew serious. " Panthershade I need to speak with you." He meowed.

Featherwind sank onto the ground and signaled for her to do the same. She dropped the squirrel at the enterance and played in front of him. " this is going to be a tough battle never has the whole of darkclan attacked us, and with foxstar on his last life you must be ready to take your spot as leader." He meowed grimly.

Panthershade flinched. "Foxstar is on his last life? I'm not ready to become leader, what if starclan doesn't accept me? What if the clan doesn't look to me as leader!" She blurted out frantically.

"Panthershade, you have to believe in your self before the clan will, and starclan will make their choice in time." He replied his eyes filled with the wisdom of starclan themselves.

She bowed her head and studied her paws, I'm not ready, oh starclan help me! She though.

"Now leave me I must sort my he herds." He insisted with a flick of his tail.

Panthershade got to her paws and started toward the entrance."Oh and Panthershade, get some rest you need your strength." He meowed as she left.

She bounded to the freash kill pile and selected a juicy mouse for herself. She carried it toward the warriors den and gulped it down in famished bites. Then she pushed her way into the warriors den swiping her tongue around her jaws.

She sank into her nest and realized that it was new and almost over flowing. Eaglepaw. She thought as she sniffed the bedding, the black kit had gotten his name from the mighty bird that almost snatched him from the clearing, she had saved him from the grasp of the bird and since he had looked at her with such admiration every time she was near him.

She sank into the moss and purred at the softness. What a kind Tom.

Warriors the forgotten clan trilogy book 1 The panthers ruleWhere stories live. Discover now