Cloud Retainer pissed me off

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Okay so, if you do the Latern Rite task you get this like 15 minute long cut scene about Guizhong and Madame Ping when she was young. And bro I was so annoyed cause all I wanted was my damn Primos and this bitch Cloud Retainer would not shut up about Guizhong. 

And I was legit like "This bitch has been dead for like 2,000 years I don't give a flying fuck about how good of a crafter she was, she got fuckin clapped during the archon war like I don't need you to rant on to me for 15 FUCKING MINUTES about this bitch."

(Guizhong lovers pls don't cancel me.)

But Istg this bitch Guizhong is officially my least favorite character cause she wasted 15 minutes of my time I could have been using to grind Primos. I like legit hate her more than that goofy ass Ed Sheeran lookin bitch Childe who I hate more that anything.

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