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Before the boys could make another sexcall you could hear footsteps "shit the dean" Billy shouted "quick! hide!" Joey pulled me behind a box. Fuck I missed this action. Nothing interesting happens at my stupid girls' boarding school.

I had to concentrate not to laugh but I could not. Just before I could draw attention to myself, Joey put his hand over my mouth and told me to be quiet. I licked his hand, which caused him to take it off my mouth and wipe it on my shirt.

"Mr Trepper, why am I not surprised to see you here?" I cautiously peered from behind one of the boxes at what was happening. Billy just shrugged "where's your roommate then?" - "Probably in his room" Jonathan sneezed and I slapped my hand against my head. "Shit" he cursed under his breath "Mr Bradberry please step forward." Still swearing he stepped out from behind the boxes.

"And Mr Trotter, why don't you come forward too?" the dean continued. I couldn't help but giggle as I pushed Joey forward. Joey made a face and indicated that I had now fucked up. "Oh, Miss Mayfield, you also honour us with your company today".

"Fucking shit" but still chuckling slightly I also came out from behind the box and stood next to Joey. "I told you" he whispered in my ear.
"Gesundheit" Joey smiled at Johnathan. You'd think they were the couple here by the look on their faces. I fell in love with this idiot for that goddamn look. How ironic.

"Mr Giles, Mr Montoya come out too! Or I'll have a guard placed here and do a room check." First smiling, then with a serious expression, Hank stepped next to me. the dean looked at me. His gaze literally pierced me "Where were you actually planning to spend the night?" He now asked just me personally "At Joey's I thought?" I smiled but was a little panicked because I didn't know what he was going to say, even though Joey and I had done this several times now.

"Oh yeah? And why shouldn't I just send you home now?" - "Because there's no one at my house, if you send me home now I can walk all the way to New York, I can't even get into my house and I'd be on my own. My parents are under the assumption that I would stay here" I mumbled, he looked at me sternly.

I held on to Joey's hand. Damn, if I have to go home now, I'm really screwed. "I'll see you ALL tomorrow in my office! At 9 o'clock sharp! You too Ms Mayfield!" I exhaled with relief, Joey exhaled with relief too. I can absolutely live with the annoyance but to have to leave Joey and the others again without a second thought? "Thank you," it was barely audible.

"Now go!" We all moved out of the room "Not you Mr Trepper!" Guiltily he turned around. Joey put his arm around me and led me to his and Billy's room. "I'll help you unpack until Billy gets back, at least we'll have some time alone" he said looking at me mischievously. I looked at him with a twinkle in my eyes.

When we arrived in his room, I immediately threw myself on his bed. "I know I wanted to help you unpack but I think I should say hello to you first" and then he threw himself next to me. He leaned over me and began to tickle me. I squealed. "You asshole" I shouted laughing loudly as he started to hit me with his pillow. I ran as fast as I could to Billy's bed to grab a pillow to defend myself.

A wild pillow fight began. He landed on top of me and looked deep into my eyes "Damn I missed you so so much Mia" he kissed me gently at first but then with more passion. He paused for a moment to wait if I would say anything else "I missed you too" he kissed me again. I smiled into the kiss. Forehead to forehead he looked into my eyes "you know, I love you" he whispered "I know" I laughed at the shocked expression on his face because I didn't said it back "I love you too, idiot" with a sight of relief he started smiling bright. I absolutely adore his happy smile.

We sat up again so that we were now sitting not even 10 cm apart. "I have an idea" a big grin shot across my face "mhm?" "Come" I took his hand and pulled him to Billy on the bed. Joey burst out laughing "Billy's gonna kill us" Joey said still laughing. "Fuck it" I kissed him. He pulled me onto his lap and our kisses became more and more passionate. I cradled his neck and played with his hair as he moved my hips in time with our kisses.

His lips moved from my lips to my neck, where I was sure he would leave a hickey. A low moan escaped me which only made Joey go on. He moved his hands under my shirt. Every time he touched me I got goose bumps, it was like I was just sinking into his kisses.

He stopped kissing me and looked at me with a grin. "I'm making out in my best friend's bed with my girlfriend at a boys' boarding school," I grinned at him too. After a few seconds of just looking at each other, he started kissing me again. This time it was a really hot kiss and I could feel that we both felt that way. We pulled away from each other just long enough for him to take his shirt off. Shit, the soccer training is really making itself felt.

I tilted backwards so that Joey was now lying above me. He started kissing my neck again, over my collarbones to my shoulders. A satisfied moan came from my lips.
He was about to take off my shirt when I stopped him. It wasn't that I was nervous or anything, this wouldn't be our first time by far, but the thought of Billy walking in at any second was stressing me out. I mean imagine your best friend banging his girlfriend in your bed.

"What's wrong?" Joey asked, "what if Billy walks in? He could come in any second" annoyed Joey sat up "you're really driving me crazy Mia Mayfield" - "well that wasn't a no" I pulled him on top of me again. Laughing he started kissing me passionate again. As our make out sesh got heated on even more Joey lifted up my shirt so j would just lay there in my bh. As I moved my hips closer to his hips I felt a bump in his pants. Smiling I moved on top of him so tease him a bit "you drive my crazy you know that" Joey mumbled between kisses. He started rummaging in his pocket "fuck" then he ran to his drawer and rummages in this too "fuck!" He yells even louder "what?" "The dean took in all of my condoms now I don't have any left" he cursed under his breath "why does this always happen to me" then he walked next to me and threw hisself onto Billys bed. He buried his head in my chest which was kinda cute "maybe it's better anyway. Imagine Billy seeing us fucking in his bed" we both laughed at his face.

"Well we can do something else then" he looked up at me, still laying on my chest, grinning. Then he stood up and wrapped his arms around me. Fucking hell since when is he that strong?  "Don't let go now"-"What? Oh my God Joey" I quickly wrapped my legs around him to keep from slapping the floor as he lifted me up and carried me to his bed. There he just laid me down, only to take a running jump over me. He landed on top of me though. "Ahh you're going to kill me" I shouted laughing when Joey didn't move from me.

We talked about everything while we waited for Billy to come. I snuggled up to Joey and just enjoyed his closeness. After less than five minutes Billy came through the door. Therefore it's better we didn't get the chance to do any more even though we're both definitely sub-fucked.

The chapter got a bit cheesy I know but I was watching a romance on the side so this is a bit inspired by that. I hope you like it anyway :)

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