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I woke up this morning to the sound of my phone. I opened it and checked who was calling. Bekir.
Ekim: Bekir at eight o'clock. What do you want? Bekir: Ekim you are not good friends at all (fake crying) .
Ekim: I'm very sleepy Bekir. Say whatever you want without killing you.
Bekir: I called you to see how you are.
Ekim: What! Fuck you Bekir!
I hung up the phone and screamed. Why is my friend so stupid. When I looked at the messages again, I saw the message Kanat sent last night. How did you find my number?
Me: How did you find my number?
The reply came soon after I sent the message.
Kanat: I got it from a classmate. I suggested him.
Me: What! You cannot suggest them.
Kanat: He forced me. It is not my fault. I forgot to say. Good morning.
Me: good morning
Kanat: Your writing made me happy.
Me: I was just wondering who you got my number from.
Kanat: Let it be. You wrote it anyway. I love you.
God.. what is he trying to do. I put my phone aside and got up from my bed. I did my personal business and went downstairs to have breakfast. I went to my room and got dressed and texted Orjinal.
Me: I'm leaving early today. There are a few things I need to get. See you at school
Orjinal: See you beautiful
I packed my bag and left the house. I took the book I ordered and put it in my bag. I walked slowly to school.When I got to school, I saw Kanat leaning against his car and looking around. There was a girl next to him. This girl looked familiar to me. Now I remember, I saw this girl in that house. I quickly turned my head the other way when Kanat's gaze turned to me. His eyes were on me. I was feeling it.. I entered the school and came to my locker. I opened my locker and put my book inside and closed it. When I turned around, I saw Kanat.
Kanat: Hello. How are you?
Ekim: Listen to the Kanat.
Kanat: You said my name very well.
Ekim: I don't believe the things you say. Please stop this nonsense.
He grabbed my arm as I tried to walk past him.
Ekim: What are you doing?
Kanat: I can prove you're my soul mate.
Ekim: Don't you understand? I do not want you.
I pulled my arm away from there. There was a special room for me where I went and took out my magic sphere. I wanted to do some magic.
After a while I got up. I entered the classroom and took my seat. Kanat and that girl also came. They were sitting in my back row. Ayşe was the last to come and sit next to me. They didn't look good at all. I took her hand and started talking.
Ekim: Please don't look at them.
She turned back without saying anything. After the lesson was over, we left the classroom and went to the cafeteria. We were sitting and eating. When I saw Hazal, I started talking.
Ekim: This girl was also a witch. But very different from what is here.
Ayşe: Because witches here are very young. The older you are, the stronger you are.
Ekim:Hmm.. Beautiful girl I like it.
Ayse: Well.
Hazal looked at me as she passed me and smiled.
Ayşe: Cousin with Kanat. Don't be close.
Ekim: Okay
Ayşe: You know that there is a party in the house in the forest tonight, right?
Ekim :Is everyone at school invited?
Ayşe: So yes.
Ekim : I will go
Ayşe: I'm thinking of going too.
After we finished our meal, we got up and entered the classroom. When the lesson was over, I went home and started getting ready. I put on my dress and put on some make-up. I grabbed my purse and phone and left the house. I took a taxi and went to the place where the party was. I texted Ayşe when I entered.
Me: Where are you?
Ayşe: We're almost here. Where are you?
Me: I'm going in now.
I put my phone in my bag and went inside. Almost everyone came. I bought myself a drink.I turned around when someone behind me tapped my shoulder.
Kanat: Hello
Ekim: Hello
Kanat: Shall we dance?
Ekim: No. My friends will come now.
Kanat: But they haven't come yet, so I can dance with you.
He grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him.
Ekim: Stop. Don't do that. I don't want.
He got a little closer and looked me in the eyes.
Kanat: You love me and you want to kiss me.
Ekim: Kanat, you can't force me to do whatever you want.
Kanat: I was just trying my luck.
His gaze drifted to my lips.
Kanat: Your smell makes me dizzy Ekim
Ekim: Kanat-
It pressed against my lips before I could say anything. I was just left with amazement. He started biting and sucking on my lower lip. Him soft lips felt so beautiful. I couldn't stand it any longer and closed my eyes. He licked my lips for the last time and left me.I was confused what to do. Come on Ekim, wake up. He was smiling at my face. His smile pissed me off. What did he think he was. He couldn't kiss me without permission. I slapped him hard and ran away from there. When I wanted to turn around to see if he was coming, I bumped into someone.
X: Hey slow down
Ekim: I'm sorry. I didn't see
X: No problem. Are you okay?
Ekim: yes i'm fine
X: Aziz
Ekim: Ekim
Aziz: I'm glad Ekim. You are such a sweet girl. I liked you.
Ekim: I have to go bye
Aziz: See you Ekim..
When I got home, I immediately went to bed. I couldn't forget Kanat kissing me. If I thought about it any more, I would go crazy. So I immediately tried to sleep.

Now Aziz joined the story😁. I hope you like the episode.

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