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Kanat: who are you? Who are you talking about?
X: I'm talking about soul mate :)
Kanat: Don't lie to me about this or I'll kill you.
X: No lies. I found. I will get it today. If you want to see it, you will come to the address I told you. Or say goodbye to your little angel.
Kanat: Angel? I hope it'll be like you said. Otherwise things will go bad for you.

I quickly went downstairs and came to Hazal. I handed the phone and showed the messages.
Hazal: What, is your soul mate an angel? Wow
Kanat: Yes, but never mind for now. Whoever this person is, he is using my soul mate to persuade me to get what he wants.
Hazal: If what they say is true, we can get rid of them. You know it's a piece of cake for us. Let them bring the girl, then we kill. This much.
Kanat: You're right. I'm just a little worried
Hazal: There's nothing to be afraid of (stands up and holds her hand) Let's go out and have some fun.

I put my phone in my pocket and left the house with Hazal.

Ekim's pov

We were sitting in the canteen with Ayşe, drinking coffee and talking about today's events.
Ayşe: I told you, these are bloodsucking wild creatures. Did you see how crazy he was?
Ekim: I was there Ayşe, I saw everything. But she's just learning she, this is that she.
Ayşe: Don't be so polite, Ekim.
Ekim: Anyway, Ayşe. I'm leaving late today, I have work at the library. I need to look at the spell book.
Ayşe: You have the phone. The Orjinal will be here.
Ekim: Okay, let's get up.

We get up and talk and go to class together. When class is over, I take my bag and go to the library. Few people were left in the school as the classes were over. It was very good for me that the library was empty because I can easily do what I want. But first I had to inform Orjinal. I left my bag and texted immediately.
Me: i'm in the library
Orjinal: Okay, I'll be right next to you.
I read the message and put the phone next to my bag and went to the place where the books were. I bought one of the magic books and started reading it. After a while, when I got bored, I left and got up to get a new one. I had that feeling again, as if someone was watching me. When I looked behind me, there was no one, but for some reason the library door was open, whereas I had closed the door. I walked to the door and closed it, turned my back and fell to the ground with a hard blow to the head.
Ekim: Oh damn!
When I put my hand on my head, I felt a warmth... my head was bleeding.
X1: Just take it slow. Our aim is not to kill the girl.
X2: What else should I do? this is the first thing that came to my mind

My vision was starting to blur. The last thing I remember was someone trying to pick me up by my arm.

Kanat's pov

My mind is still on what that man said. I really didn't know what to do if I found it. Maybe I missed it. Oh no, that's not it. What if he doesn't love me? I don't even want to guess what will happen then. I stood up straightening my jacket.
Kanat: I'm going to get some air.
Hazal: Okay, I'm here.
I walked out with a smile to Hazal. When the notification sound came, I took my phone out of my pocket. He wrote again.
X: I'll tell you where we are if you accept the deal. Or the girl dies.
Kanat: If you hurt him, I will kill you. I agree. Where is she?
X: this is the address I sent, we are waiting
I went inside, grabbed Hazal's arm and took him out.
Hazal: What happened to the Kanat, slow down
Kanat: We don't have time, we have to go. I know where the girl is
hazal: ok calm down Kanat
I got in the car and started to drive to where he had thrown it.
Kanat: I calm down when I see him.
When I got to the place he said, I stopped the car and got out. I was standing in front of an old house.
Hazal: It looks awful. Are you sure it's the correct address?
Kanat: The location points here. let's go inside
I opened the door slowly. I was surprised to see the people standing in front of me.
Kanat: you? (laughs) You finally stopped running huh?
X1: Yes, please forgive us. That's why we brought you your soul mate.
X2: This is our gift to you. In return, set us free. We don't want to die.
Hazal: Bro, show the girl first. She's the reason we came here.
X1: Okay, come on.
When we went up the stairs, I saw a girl lying on the sofa.
Kanat: Are you sure it's her?
X1: Yes.
Hazal: Tell me about her. Who is this girl?
X2: Its name is Ekim. 17 years old. She is angel. She goes to school, but it is not an ordinary school.

I slowly approached him and turned his face towards me. It was nice.
Hazal: I know that place, yes it's where supernatural people go. Kanat are you okay?
Kanat: I'm very well, but she is not well. Her head is bleeding. you hurt her
When I turned to look at them in anger, they had returned in horror.
X1: I'm sorry but there are a lot of powerful people around, we had to get the girl before they came.

Ekim's pov

With the pain I felt in my head, I tried to open my eyes slowly, but I couldn't. I could hear voices as if someone was fighting. Damn, I was kidnapped. I tried to listen to them, but my head ached so much that I couldn't understand anything.
Ekim: oh!...
Kanat : Are you okay?
I slowly opened my eyes and saw the person staring at me.
Ekim: Oh! Who are you?! What do you want from me ?!
Kanat: Hey calm down, you're hurt. Let me heal you. (calmly holds her arm)
Ekim: No! Leave me!
I heard an extremely loud scream as I tried to get up and run away. I started breaking all the windows in the room. I couldn't keep my balance and fell to the ground. When I brought my hands to my ears, I realized who this voice belonged to..

Hello guys. I hope you like the episode.

Waiting for your comments See you

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