𝐗𝐕𝐈𝐈𝐈. work in your favor

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this chapter briefly mentions a character joking about a murder, and a character going to therapy

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this chapter briefly mentions a character joking about a murder, and a character going to therapy.

please read with caution and enjoy <3


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it was a good question, and one audrey didn't quite know the answer to herself. the woman believed that writing a song about a man she was in love with would be a piece of cake, complimenting him between the lyrics and admitting to the emotion in three minutes or more. however, being ignored by said man didn't spark any feelings of love in audrey. the melody was down, and some lyrics were written - it all felt - wrong.

she believes it had began with days in which she found herself stuck, a week ago to date. wilbur was continuing to ignore her despite her efforts in trying to talk, audrey slowly losing hope of a conversation. to be honest, audrey wanted to quit, drop her trumpet in anger and say she was finished playing on tour. if she didn't enjoy the comfortable lifestyle she lived and had an inkling of hope left in her: she would've. at the end of the days, she no longer wanted to pick up any instrument and play, writing lyrics forgotten, but rather sink down in bed and sleep until sunrise.

it would've been okay if they hadn't gotten into that stupid fight. the stupid fight started at the third-to-last tour stop when audrey's guitar was taking up too much room in the back of the van. the two never fought, the occasional dissagreement being solved in mere minutes. the two that had practically been inseparable, along with elodie, since they were recording wilbur saline solution, jubilee line, and goodnight on that bridge. the two that always laughed with each other and helped clean the other's apartment when their mind was too far gone to throw away takeout boxes was hanging by a thread.

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