TWO; Second Chance At First Line

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"I'm missing all these memories,
Maybe they were never mine"

How much can you learn about a person just by looking at them? Daisy questioned this as she sat on the bench, watching her friends lacrosse practice

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How much can you learn about a person just by looking at them? Daisy questioned this as she sat on the bench, watching her friends lacrosse practice. Headphones in her ears as she thought.

Daisy's father used to say he could read people. That just by looking at them, he could see if they were a good person or not. But Daisy never believed it. If that was true, how did he think that her mother was good? Her mother that abandoned them. How could he have ever seen any good in her?

Daisy watched as Scott ran back in line, Coach shouting after him. "McCall's gonna do it again! McCall's gonna do it again!" She followed the scene to see he was up against Jackson Whittemore.

The blonde watched as her friend ran right into Jackson, knocking him onto the ground, hard. She then watched as Scott, himself, fell to the floor, his hands on his head.

Daisy stood up from her spot on the bleachers and ran out onto the field and towards her best friend who was clearly in pain.

"Scott?" Stiles said as he walked over to the boy.

"Scott? What's wrong?" Daisy asked nervously. She couldn't help but continuously glance back at the scene of Jackson lying on the ground. He was in pain.

And then her eyes fell on Shawn Hales. His already trained on her. And Stiles. And Scott. She looked at him for a moment, a strange, familiar feeling taking over, but she pulled her gaze away and returned to Scott.

"I can't control it, Stiles. It's happening." Scott said, in heavy breaths.

Stiles looked at the blonde and then back at Scott, "What? Right here? Now?"

"Can't you, like, hold it in?" Daisy asked, pulling at the edge of her sleeve.

Stiles looked at her, "It's not pee." Daisy shrugged and looked at Scott with a worried expression. "Alright. Come on. Get up. Go!" Stiles said, lifting Scott off of the ground and dragging him back towards the school, Daisy in tow.

Daisy stopped for one moment when she saw a familiar figure standing nearby. She looked over at it, seeing Derek Hale watching the three of them. Watching Scott.

And then she looked at Shawn. Maybe Stiles was right. Maybe we shouldn't trust him, just like we shouldn't trust Derek. Right as she looked at Shawn, he looked at his older brother.

Daisy then ran after her two friends, deciding she would deal with the Hale family drama later.

Stiles pulled Scott into the boys locker room. "Come on, here we go." Stiles said as he laid Scott on the ground.

Daisy peeked her head inside of the locker room, afraid to go fully inside of the room. She's always been afraid of the boys locker room ever since she walked past it in the 8th grade and almost passed out because of how bad it smelled.

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