Chaper four

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Veronica's pov
S3 episode 13 cont.
Never did I think I would be wasted at the Mystic Grill but here we are. As I got to order another drink, I'm quickly cut off, "I think a water might be best." Comes a voice next to me. I look over, kind of annoyed, to see a fine looking gentleman. "Hmph I was having fun." I say pouting.
"It sure looks like it," he laughs, "my names Eric and you?" He says looking into my eyes. Wow he is beautiful..
"Veronica, it's nice to meet you." I say, giving him a smile. We continue talking for awhile as I sober up. I learn he's just stopping by visiting family just like me. He grew up here but somehow I've never seen him before. He starts getting flirty with me and I embrace it, it's been awhile since I got some action.
"Hey, why don't we head out?" He leans close and says, his mouth brushing close to my ear. I shiver and instead of thinking of the worst I say, "Your place?" In a soft whisper.
We get to his place and as soon as the door shuts, he connects our lips. I grin into the kiss, definitely needing this. He pushes the kiss deeper causing me to let out a soft moan. He slowly walks me back to his bed, lightly pushing me down before he's on top of me. I grip his hair pulling him back in, biting softly on his lower lip. He quickly disconnects to pull off my shirt revealing my not so sexy nude bra, clearly I wasn't expecting to be getting anything tonight. As he leans back down he goes for my neck, leaving soft and slow kisses on my neck. I tilt my head to the side letting him get better access, whimpering softly.
Then, I feel a sharp pain.
"Ouch! What the hell are you doing?" I yell, trying to wrestle out of his grip.
He pulls off me for a second and I see my blood dripping from his mouth. "Don't move, do as I say and be quiet." He says, trying to compel me, before latching on. He clearly doesn't smell the vervain bracelet I have on as I continue to fight back.
"Get off of me!" I say clearly not having the upper arm. I do the only thing I know best. I grip his arms really tight, siphoning magic from him. He jolts off of me and vamp speeds across the room. "You bitch.." he says about to charge at me.
I quickly give him a brain aneurysm, feeling the short amount of power I took from him slowly drain. I then flick my wrist snapping his neck. I finally breath. I haven't felt this power in a while. I forgot how much I love and also hate it. I can already tell it's all gone which is this worst part about being a siphon. I quickly grab my things before running out the door, feeling tears pool in my eyes, but pushing them not to fall down.
I rush home, hoping no one is awake when I walk in. Of course to my luck, Elena, Stefan, and some other man are standing in the kitchen talking. As soon as they hear the door open, they look up at me.
"V! Oh my god, what happened to you?!" Elena says rushing over to me, clearly seeing the gaping wound on my neck. She tries moving my hair to get a closer look and I slap her hand away, "Elena, leave it." I say sternly. I look up and see the two men staring at me, Stefan with slight concern and the other more confused.
"I can't just leave it! Who attacked you?! Was it Klaus? God he made us push our brother out of Mystic Falls, I don't want to lose you too." She says, her eyes watering. Always for the dramatics.
"Elena! I'm fine seriously, I handled it. I fucked up, but it's dealt with. And it wasn't Klaus, whoever that is." I say back, the name feeling familiar, "and what do you mean made you push Jeremy out? Where is he.." I ask, confused.
"Yeah that would be my doing, I compelled him to leave, to protect him of course. Damon, Damon Salvatore." The other man finally introduces himself.
"Uh Veronica, Elena's sister..." I trail off, looking over at Elena with questioning eyes. She gives me a look basically saying, 'I'll explain later'.
"You want some blood, it'll fix that up real quick." Damon says smirking. I'm either going to hate this man or really like him. "Strong pass, thanks." I reply back smugly, "I'm gonna go clean up but Elena, we're talking tonight." I say to her before waving at the two vampires, walking up the stairs.
"So that's sister Gilbert, she's hot." I hear Damon say as Elena slaps him saying, "Nope. Off limits." I laugh quietly over her protectiveness. I'm the older sister yet she acts like she is. Poor thing grew up too fast.
I hop in the shower, clearing my head. I didn't really get to feel any emotions over what happened. So I let myself cry. I've only been bitten by a vampire once before this and I hate it. I feel disgusting. I start washing my hair and scrubbing all over my body hoping it'll make me feel better. Clean. But it really doesn't help because I still feel the wound on my neck. I finish up my shower before looking at it in the mirror. I hover my hand over it hoping I can siphon it away but I can feel I have no magic left. I sigh before heading into the room to change into some sweats and a tank top ready for this day to be over.
As I finally get dressed I hear a soft knock on the door.
"Come in!" I say. Elena slowly opens to door and looks over clearly seeing I've been crying.
"Don't talk about it, please, I just wanna forget about it." I say to her.
"Okay, okay, fine. I'll drop it. But I don't want you to have to deal with all of this." Elena says to me concerned.
"Elena.. I've been dealing with this longer than you know." I sigh, "I mean I'm in New Orleans for Christ sake, do you know how many vampires are there? Hundreds."
"What? Why're you there then V?" She says to me. I walk over to my bed sitting down before saying, "I have friends there and a job. I like it there, mostly.. plus I can protect myself." I say to her.
"How can you protect yourself? Matter a fact, how did you manage to escape tonight?" She says to me slowly connecting the dots.
"I uh, distracted him. I got lucky, I had a knife on me so I just used that." I say coming up with an excuse.
"I don't believe you." She says, sitting down next to me looking at me.
"Well that's what happened Elena. I don't know what you want me to tell you." I say, getting up trying to walk away from her. She quickly grabs my arm,  "No, no way. I'm not taking those excuses. Tell me the truth Veronica!" She says shouting at me.
I feel her arm on me still and I feel my anger start to bubble up. I'm sick of being touched today, I feel gross. "Elena take your hand off of me." I say to her not looking. I feel my breathe quicken slightly.
"No, now sit down and talk to me." She says trying to pull me down. I spin around quickly, grabbing her arm when I feel it again. Magic. She gasps in pain as she sees a glowing red on her arm. I quickly pull away, "Shit Elena I'm sorry." I say not wanting to look at her. I don't even know how I got magic from her since she's just human.
"What..what was that..are you a witch? How is that possible?" She says confused.
"No? Sort of.. I'm a Siphon. I have to siphon my magic from a source of magic. Which leads me to the question of what the hell are you?" I question, finally turning around to look at her.
"I'm human. But I'm a doppelgänger, so maybe that's how you got it. But how is this even possible? Mom and dad don't come from a line of witches.." she says to me.
"Yes..because dad isn't my dad." I finally reveal to her. "What?!" She says to me.
"Mom wasn't perfect Elena, she had an affair and then she had me. I guess whoever my father is comes from a line of witches or I guess siphons. I found out about my powers at 15 but mom and dad didn't know how to help me. So, as soon as I turned 18, I left. To New Orleans because that place is crawling with witches. They tried to help me as much as they could but I'm different from most. So they never really saw me as one of them, except a select few of my now friends. So that's how I can protect myself Elena." I say to her, honestly relieved. It's been hard hiding this from my family for so long.
"Oh my god...V, I'm sorry you had to deal with all of this on your own." She says before pulling me into a hug. A comforting hug.
"It's fine, I should be saying that to you. Now please, update me about your life, I want every last detail." I say pulling away from her.
So we both sit down in my bed and she explains everything. From her first meeting with Stefan, to some sacrifice, and the original family.
"Wait, did you say Elijah?" I say to her glancing over. She gives me a questionable look before shaking her head yes.
"He's an original? I met him earlier."
"What?! Well at least it was him and not his brother, Klaus. Just try to stay far, far away from them, they're bad news. And now there's 5 of them running around so please be careful." She says to me. I of course nod my head back to her but all I can really think of is the name, Klaus.
Why does that sound so familiar?
Two in one day! I'm taking a mental health day off from work and what better thing to do then write some fanfic lol. So I knew when I first started writing this I wanted to make her a siphon, I wasn't expecting to reveal it so soon but it works for what I want the next few chapters to be. Anyways pls vote and leave your opinions on the comments!
-Daisy 💛

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2023 ⏰

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