Little J Drabble💜

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Originally written on Tumblr 12/14/22

I miss my beloved J so I wrote this. It's nothing special, and it's incredibly self-indulgent, but... I hope it turns out ok.

I self ship with a softer version of J and I'm insecure about my characterization abilities. The writing is a little sloppy compared to how I normally write because I kind of rushed it. 🙈

Word count: ~344 approx.

"Honey, I'm home!" You almost didn't hear the front door open, so intensely focused were you. Your concentration breaks as you hear a familiar voice echo throughout your home. You could almost hear J chuckling to himself at his little joke.

Moments later, J enters your shared bedroom only to find you surrounded by messy papers and cluttered piles at your desk.

"Hi, J" you smile tiredly at him.

J shakes his head in disapproval, quickly moving towards you.

"Ah-ta-ta-ta-tah, no. C'mere, bunny. Ya'ain't overworking ya'self again. Not on my watch, toots." J gently but firmly grabs your wrists and you allow him to pull you away from your work and into bed.

"Now, ah... I know you didn't mean to stay up so late, sweets. I know your work is important to you. But you, uh... you are important to me. Hm? You complete me. And I'm gonna make sure that my love gets plenty of rest."

J wraps his arms around you tightly in a comforting hug. He pulls you closer and kisses your forehead with an extra loud "mwah" to make you giggle and smile. You snuggle closer to him and sigh contentedly.

"I love you, J."

"Hehe, I know. Now, ah... shut those little eyes of yours and get ta' sleep." His tone was joking, but you knew his intentions are serious. J cares deeply for you and your well-being, even if he doesn't always say it.

You begin to drift off as the tensions of your day fade away. You feel J relax slightly as well, not as tense or hyper-vigilant as usual, but still on guard. You often told him he needed rest, but he always insisted he needed to keep watch and protect you from anything that might hurt you.

The last thing you consciously remember is J nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck, leaving a few smears from his paint, although you didn't care.

"G'night, bunny." J whispers.

You lightly kiss the bare patch of skin where J's paint rubbed off.

"Goodnight, Jack."

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